National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


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  1. Generalities ( 23 )
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Search Generalities AV for Circulation
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 看不見的殺手 [錄影資料] : 生活中有多少看不見的毒素,你真的知道嗎?? = Invisible Killers / 418.8 8325 DVD N013823 AV for Circulation
2 野性海洋 : 抹香鯨天堂 [錄影資料] = Ocean wilds : sperm whales oasis 389.74 4224 DVD N014198 AV for Circulation
3 矯正機關績優人員暨績優教誨志工表揚典禮 [錄影資料]. 105年度 548.7114 3108 2016 DVD N014112 AV for Circulation
4 白雪公主與七個小矮人 [錄影資料] = Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs 987.85 2180 N006584 AV for Circulation
5 黑 [錄影資料] = Black tears of the land 367.47 4183 DVD N013699 AV for Circulation
6 養生太極拳 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825 N008979 AV for Circulation
7 楊式太極拳六十四勢 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-1 N008980 AV for Circulation
8 HIP HOP流行街舞教學 [錄影資料] 976.22 1225 N008944 AV for Circulation
9 印度 [DVD Video] : 四大文明 600 6406 N007510 AV for Circulation
10 書緣一線牽 [錄影資料] : 如何利用國家圖書館 023.9 5655 N007473 AV for Circulation
11 環境台灣 [錄影資料] : 賀伯颱風之後,我們可以做什麼? 367.4 1010 N007879 AV for Circulation
12 為台灣築夢的人 [錄影資料] 677 1010-1 N007875 AV for Circulation
13 非洲野生動物 [錄影資料]= African wildlife 380 8663 N008262 AV for Circulation
14 美力台灣3D [錄影資料] : Formosa 733.4 5580 DVD N014478 AV for Circulation
15 漂流遇見你 = Ça fait si longtemps 919.7 7531 DVD N014479 AV for Circulation
16 夢迴樂園 [錄影資料] : 八仙塵燃燒傷者復健之路紀錄片 = Wanderland : Stories of the survivors of the Formosa Fun Coast Water Park dust explosion 415.223 2669 DVD N014480 AV for Circulation
17 氣候挑戰 [錄影資料] 328.8 3683 DVD N013995 AV for Circulation
18 流浪者之歌 [錄影資料] = Songs of the wanderers 976.6 4497-4 N009461 AV for Circulation
19 家族合唱 [錄影資料] = Portrait of the families 976.6 4497-3 N009460 AV for Circulation
20 行草 [錄影資料] = Cursive 976.6 4497-5 N009462 AV for Circulation
21 白蛇傳 [錄影資料] = The tale of the white serpepnt 976.6 4497-1 N009458 AV for Circulation
22 九歌 [錄影資料] = Nine songs 976.6 4497-2 N009459 AV for Circulation
23 不斷再生的醫學博士 [錄影資料] : 馬偕 677.7 8036 N009496 AV for Circulation
24 熱血男兒 [錄影資料] : 蔣渭水 677.7 8036 N009495 AV for Circulation
25 新宿驛,東口以東 [錄影資料]=. Someone else's Shinjuku east 731.726 4643 N006193 AV for Circulation
26 我的強娜威 [錄影資料] : 移民新娘首部曲 = My imported wife 544.3 8036 N009592 AV for Circulation
27 養生主 [錄影資料] / 437.35 8036 N009593 AV for Circulation
28 跳舞時代 [錄影資料]=. The dance age 976.22 8036 N009598 AV for Circulation
29 台北波西米亞 [錄影資料]=. Bohemians in Taipei : The life of theatre 981.933 3737-1 N009596 AV for Circulation
30 同床異夢 [錄影資料] : 關於核電的十個短篇 449.7 0084 N009595 AV for Circulation
31 獼猴列傳 [錄影資料] / 389.9 8036 N009594 AV for Circulation
32 鄭和下西洋 [錄影資料] / 626.24 8723 N012021 AV for Circulation
33 春天 [錄影資料] : 許金玉的故事= Spring : The story of Hsu Chin-Yu 783.3886 0881 N006194 AV for Circulation
34 E.T.月球學園 [錄影資料] / 590.9933 2694 N009590 AV for Circulation
35 掌中舞春秋 [錄影資料] / 983.371 8036 N009600 AV for Circulation
36 無米樂 [錄影資料] / 434.111 8036 N009599 AV for Circulation
37 山有多高 [錄影資料] / 590.9933 3638 N009588 AV for Circulation
38 路有多長 [錄影資料]=. How long is the road? 590.9933 3638-1 N012601 AV for Circulation
39 野球孩子 [錄影資料]= Baseball boys 528.955 3419 N012595 AV for Circulation
40 台灣的濕地系列 [錄影資料]= Explore Taiwan 351.68 0362 N012022 AV for Circulation
41 天使的孩子 [錄影資料] : 2007善牧基金會公益慈善舞台劇暨教育講座巡迴演出 544.1 1048 N010957 AV for Circulation
42 勞動者的傷口 [錄影資料] : 台灣NPO的腳步 556.8 3467 N009842 AV for Circulation
43 我們 [錄影資料] / 578.9 8036 N012608 AV for Circulation
44 1405鄭和下西洋六百年祭 [電腦檔] 626.24 8467 N009839 AV for Circulation
45 水中螢火蟲的守護者 : 原住民部落護魚記事 537.143 3467 N009841 AV for Circulation
46 Help from Taiwan : 台灣NPO的腳步 548.31 4495 N009843 AV for Circulation
47 鑑往知來 [錄影資料] : 探尋國家寶藏 = Reflecting on the past: exploring national treasures 027.933 9925 N013532 AV for Circulation
48 海頓,舒曼,孟德爾頌鋼琴作品表演集 [VCD] |pVCD917.1 3062 N009846 AV for Circulation
49 認識交響樂及交響樂隊 [VCD] [錄影資料] / |pVCD912.31 1063 N009844 AV for Circulation
50 夢想巔峰 [錄影資料] : 紀錄台灣人努力實踐夢想的故事 992.77 4183 N012617 AV for Circulation
51 蓬萊大仙 [錄影資料]=. The immortal of Ponglai 983.33 7576 N012673 AV for Circulation
52 熱帶冰河.台灣 [錄影資料]=. Tropical glaciers in Taiwan 733.3 8076 N012697 AV for Circulation
53 俞淨意公遇灶神記 [錄影資料] / 192.9 4433 N012734 AV for Circulation
54 電子顯微鏡與凝態物理 [錄影資料] : 國立臺灣大學講座 339.8 7511 N012681 AV for Circulation
55 核戰威脅 [錄影資料] : 世界末日 = On the brink: doomsday 595.95 4654:1 N011289 AV for Circulation
56 了凡四訓 [錄影資料] : 新電影版 193 4433 N012736 AV for Circulation
57 國家的遠見 [錄影資料] = Visions : 赴訪14國,借鏡他山之石,反思不同觀點 552.1 8413 N012701 AV for Circulation
58 穿越和平 [錄影資料] / 412.133 2575 N012342 AV for Circulation
59 前進南極 [錄影資料] / 779 4183 N012694 AV for Circulation
60 交通部民用航空局簡介 [錄影資料] : 守護天際.幸福領航 = Civil Aeronautics Administration, MOTC : Protecting the skies 557.92 0307|e2009 N012739 AV for Circulation
61 幸福人生講座 [錄影資料] : 細講<<弟子規>> 802.81 4434 N012732 AV for Circulation
62 殖民者的推手 [錄影資料] : 後藤新平 677.7 8036 N011238 AV for Circulation
63 資深藝術家影音紀錄片系列 [錄影資料] / 909.933 6015 N012745 AV for Circulation
64 台灣崛起 [錄影資料] 1895-1945 : 日治時代 733.28 4065 N012755 AV for Circulation
65 台灣視角 [錄影資料] 677.4 8325-2 N012352 AV for Circulation
66 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 文具篇--文房四寳 791 4302 N009952 AV for Circulation
67 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 緙繡篇 791 4302 N009944 AV for Circulation
68 鈞窰之美 [錄影資料]= The beauty of Chun Ware 938 4414 N009964 AV for Circulation
69 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 陶甆篇 791 4302 N009945 AV for Circulation
70 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 缋畵篇 791 4302 N009948 AV for Circulation
71 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 缋畵篇-梅蘭竹菊 791 4302 N009947 AV for Circulation
72 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 清明上河圖 791 4302 N009943 AV for Circulation
73 故宫名畫之美 [錄影資料]=. The beauty of famous paintings in the National Palace Museum=. 故宫. 名畵の美 941 1180 N009962 AV for Circulation
74 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 人物畵篇 791 4302 N009954 AV for Circulation
75 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 清甆篇 791 4302 N009950 AV for Circulation
76 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 銅器篇 791 4302 N009946 AV for Circulation
77 故宫文物寳蔵 [錄影資料] : 玉器篇 791 4302 N009949 AV for Circulation
78 教師專業發展評鑑教學影片 [錄影資料] : 教學檔案系列 522.29 4039 N012829 AV for Circulation
79 兩性双贏的故事系列演講 [錄影資料] / 544.7 1092 N012770 AV for Circulation
80 生命相對論 [錄影資料]. 第二輯 191.91 2114 N012820 AV for Circulation
81 世紀探險家 [錄影資料]= Beyond2000 : the explorers 719 8663 N010020 AV for Circulation
82 2006吾鄉吾土旅遊攝影歌謡之旅 [錄影資料] / 957 4390 N012821 AV for Circulation
83 生命相對論 [錄影資料] / 191.91 2114 N012828 AV for Circulation
84 文建會2007舞躍大地舞蹈創作比賽 [錄影資料]= Council for Culture Affairs, Executive Yuan 2007 Taiwan's National Creative Dance Competition 976 5722|e2007 N012832 AV for Circulation
85 叢林海戰 [錄影資料]=. The jungle navy 592.918 8663 N010021 AV for Circulation
86 雨林頂探険家 [錄影資料]= Heroes of the high frontier 367.82 8663 N010019 AV for Circulation
87 南極氷原 [錄影資料]= Antarctic wildlife adventure 779 8663 N010022 AV for Circulation
88 舞躍大地2009舞蹈創作比賽得獎作品 [錄影資料]= 2009 Taiwan's Creative Dance Competition Winners 976 5722|e2009 N012834 AV for Circulation
89 台灣崛起 [錄影資料] : 史前時代 733.241 4065 N012756 AV for Circulation
90 神祕的地底世界 [錄影資料] [錄影資料] : 探訪地底下的驚奇宇宙 = Mysteries underground 354.4 8663 N010015 AV for Circulation
91 太極拳散手 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-5 N009976 AV for Circulation
92 遠古人類 [錄影資料 = Neanderthal's world] : 尼安德塔人. 392.3 4414 N010026 AV for Circulation
93 恐龍紀元 [錄影資料]=. When dinosaurs roamed America 388.794 2544 N010025 AV for Circulation
94 暴龍的真相 [錄影資料]=. Valley of the T-Rex 388.794 7124 N010024 AV for Circulation
95 太極釖 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-2 N009971 AV for Circulation
96 追求卓越 [錄影資料] : 中央研究院八十年. 062.1 5513-3 N012822 AV for Circulation
97 舞躍大地2008舞蹈創作比賽得獎作品 [錄影資料]= 2008 Taiwan's Creative Dance Competition Winners 976 5722|e2008 N012833 AV for Circulation
98 譜出生命的樂章 [錄影資料] : 社工進行曲 547 3563 N012835 AV for Circulation
99 太極刀 [錄影資料] 528.972 4825-3 N009972 AV for Circulation
100 太極拳推手 [錄影資料] / 528.972 4825-4 N009973 AV for Circulation
101 教師專業發展評鑑教學影片 [錄影資料] : 教學觀察與回饋系列 522.29 4039-1 N012830 AV for Circulation
102 偉大飛機 [錄影資料] = Great planes : A-10] : A-10. 598.61 4684 N010078 AV for Circulation
103 阿爾卑斯山 [錄影資料]= Realm of the golden eagle 718.3 5444 N010056 AV for Circulation
104 化學精要 [錄影資料]= Chemistry essentials |pVCD340 3683 N010362 AV for Circulation
105 閃亮的樂章 [錄影資料 = NSC 50th anniversary commenmorative essay collection] : 國科會50周年紀念文集 573.569 2176 N012883 AV for Circulation
106 迷你掠奪者 [錄影資料]=. Tiny rerfect predators 387.747 4464 N010044 AV for Circulation
107 鯨魚探奇 [錄影資料]= Whales 389.7 2224 N010083 AV for Circulation
108 法律生活補給站 [錄影資料]=. Legal aid 580 3413 N012843 AV for Circulation
109 作詞家葉俊麟逝世十週年紀念音會 [錄影資料] / 539.133 1228 N012848 AV for Circulation
110 經濟發展學大師 [錄影資料] : 人物傳記 ; 費景漢 783.3886 5563 N012836 AV for Circulation
111 科學探索百科 [錄影資料] = the nature and living-beings : marine life:自然篇. 308 1163 N010350 AV for Circulation
112 科學探索百科:萬物篇 [錄影資料]=. the origin of life : the various forms of life 380 1163 N010360 AV for Circulation
113 唸歌絕藝 [錄影資料] : 楊秀卿 982.58 2638 N012847 AV for Circulation
114 科學探索百科 [錄影資料 = the nature and living-beings : the plant kingdom] : 植物篇. 308 1163-2 N010352 AV for Circulation
115 閃電 [錄影資料]=. Raging planet : lightening 328.7 8376 N010043 AV for Circulation
116 科學探索百科 [錄影資料 = the nature and living-beings : ecology] : 生態篇. 308 1163-1 N010351 AV for Circulation
117 科學探索百科:人體篇 [錄影資料]=. the funcitons of human body 397 1163 N010354 AV for Circulation
118 台灣省立美術館 [錄影資料 = Taiwan Museum of Art: Cai Guo Qiang no destruction, no construction-bombing Taiwan Museum of Art] : 蔡國強「不破不立-引爆台灣省立美術館」 |pVCD906.6 6724 N012895 AV for Circulation
119 放眼看世界 用心愛台灣 [錄影資料] / 733.3 7225 N012884 AV for Circulation
120 嘉義市國際管樂節 [錄影資料] : 成果影像紀錄專輯 2007/12/22̃2̃008/01/01 912.5 8444 N012878 AV for Circulation
121 國立中央圖書館臺灣分館公共藝術設置簡介 [錄影資料] / 926 0072 N012849 AV for Circulation
122 科學探索百科 [錄影資料 = the nature and living-beings : insects] : 昆蟲篇. 308 1163-3 N010353 AV for Circulation
123 科學探索百科 [錄影資料] : 生物篇 = the origin of life : the living-beings 360 1163 N010359 AV for Circulation
124 華人縦横天下 [錄影資料]= A world for Chinese 782.18 1149 N010389 AV for Circulation
125 偉大飛機 [錄影資料 = Great planes 777] : 波音777. 447.6 4684 N010079 AV for Circulation
126 98學年度全國學生舞蹈比賽決賽 [錄影資料] : 優勝集錦 976 4800 N012885 AV for Circulation
127 挑戰工程極限 [錄影資料]=. Engineering the impossible 440 4410 N010064 AV for Circulation
128 國士無雙 [錄影資料] : 第十二屆國家講座主持人曁52屆學術得獎人紀錄專輯 078 7547 N012877 AV for Circulation
129 文化容顏 [錄影資料] : 音像紀實 ; 國家文藝獎得獎者紀錄片 909.8 6302 N012882 AV for Circulation
130 樹的樂章 [錄影資料 = In celebration of the tree] : 生態紀實. 436.11 3684 N010085 AV for Circulation
131 偉大飛機 [錄影資料 = Great planes : KC-135] : KC-135. 598.63 4684 N010080 AV for Circulation
132 隱形殺手 [錄影資料] : 漢他病毒/抗薬細菌/登革熱 415.2 5012 N010070 AV for Circulation
133 2003美伊大戰實錄 [錄影資料] : 前進伊拉克冐険故事 = War in Iraq 752.271 1202 N010102 AV for Circulation
134 自然公園 [錄影資料] : 地球家族 1 307 8325 N010300 AV for Circulation
135 自然公園 [錄影資料] : 地球家族 2 307 8325 N010301 AV for Circulation
136 自然公園 [錄影資料] : 地球家族 3 307 8325 N010302 AV for Circulation
137 能量與生命之化學 [錄影資料]=. Energy and chemistry of life 335.5 4324 N010376 AV for Circulation
138 失落的文明 [錄影資料] / 711 7467-1 N012372 AV for Circulation
139 遺落的輝煌 [錄影資料] / 711 7467-3 N012380 AV for Circulation
140 歷史的印痕 [錄影資料] / 711 7467 N012368 AV for Circulation
141 遠古的奇蹟 [錄影資料] / 711 7467-2 N012376 AV for Circulation
142 科學探索百科:進化篇 [錄影資料]=. the origin of life : the theory of evolution 362 1163 N010361 AV for Circulation
143 探索未知世界 [錄影資料]= Explore the unknown 323.9 8036 N010094 AV for Circulation
144 臺灣三部曲 [錄影資料] 二, 鄭成功與臺灣= Taiwan legends series II : Cheng Cheng-Kung |pVCD982.1 6926 N012922 AV for Circulation
145 經略海洋十年守護2010 [錄影資料] / 599.41 3237 N012914 AV for Circulation
146 智慧台灣 [錄影資料]= I Taiwan : 生醫新藍海 410.35 4033 N012920 AV for Circulation
147 臺灣三部曲 [錄影資料] 一, 媽祖= Taiwan legends series I : Ma-Tzu |pVCD982.1 6926 N012921 AV for Circulation
148 臺灣三部曲 [錄影資料] 三, 廖添丁= Taiwan legends series III : Liao Tianding |pVCD982.1 6926 N012923 AV for Circulation
149 台灣白色恐怖口述影像記錄 [錄影資料] 733.2931 7515|e2005 N009985 AV for Circulation
150 暖身運動教學影片 [錄影資料] / 528.92 4838 N012000 AV for Circulation
151 體育單項教學光碟 [錄影資料]. D, 羽球.網球.籃球.自行車.田徑.游泳 528.9 4838-1 N011998 AV for Circulation
152 孩子的第一哩路 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012440 AV for Circulation
153 文化系列演講活動 [錄影資料] / 541.2 1317 N012475 AV for Circulation
154 創意狂想曲 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012421 AV for Circulation
155 禪與心理健康 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012422 AV for Circulation
156 快樂的秘密 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012427 AV for Circulation
157 全民大幽默 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012420 AV for Circulation
158 放下人生更豐富 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012425 AV for Circulation
159 遠離臺灣 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012428 AV for Circulation
160 用圖畫說故事 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012429 AV for Circulation
161 身心靈醫學的全人教育 [錄影資料] : 全面.全人的健康之道. 192 1816 N012439 AV for Circulation
162 調解免疫抗老防癌 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012419 AV for Circulation
163 打造21世紀樂活的主人翁 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012426 AV for Circulation
164 生命之歌 [錄影資料] : 不倒的蘆葦. 192 1816 N012430 AV for Circulation
165 愛拼才會贏 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012431 AV for Circulation
166 社會責任與公益 [錄影資料] [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012437 AV for Circulation
167 新時代心六倫 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012418 AV for Circulation
168 福爾摩沙的指環 [錄影資料] : 與大自然的對話. 733 7222 N012478 AV for Circulation
169 十句話,十個笑話 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012434 AV for Circulation
170 用心溝通零距離 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012436 AV for Circulation
171 兩性相處的法寶 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012423 AV for Circulation
172 攀登兩座山 [錄影資料] : 企業利潤與社會責任. 192 1816 N012424 AV for Circulation
173 愛.不放棄 [錄影資料] : 從白癡到天才之路 ; 一場IQ70的成功激勵. [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012432 AV for Circulation
174 單身不錯!結婚更好! [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012438 AV for Circulation
175 阿輝與小靚的九二一手札 [錄影資料] : 學校防震宣傳影片 354.4 4402 N011990 AV for Circulation
176 腦神經與生命科學的奧秘 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012433 AV for Circulation
177 在現實頂端創造夢想的人 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 N012435 AV for Circulation
178 西班牙南部 [錄影資料] = Southern Spain 719 1713-2 N010516 AV for Circulation
179 阿根廷 [錄影資料] = Argentina 719 1713 N010514 AV for Circulation
180 森之歌 [錄影資料] : 台灣土地上美妙的歌詠 733.33 1001 N012980 AV for Circulation
181 種樹的男人 [錄影資料] / 436.2 4407 DVD N013252 AV for Circulation
182 目送一九四九 [錄影資料] : 龍應台的探索 733.292 4426 DVD N013253 AV for Circulation
183 謝錦 [錄影資料] : 做自己是最深刻的反叛 = The life coach 524.31 2232 DVD N013255 AV for Circulation
184 暖化戰爭首部曲 [錄影資料]=. Global Warming and Climate Change : 全球暖化與氣候變遷 328.8018 2825 DVD N013270 AV for Circulation
185 時空大冒險 [錄影資料]=. Adventures in time 361.51 8663 N013002 AV for Circulation
186 教育部第11屆國家講座主持人暨第51屆學術獎得獎人專輯 [錄影資料] : 記錄專輯 078 4416:1 N012984 AV for Circulation
187 尊重與包容 [錄影資料] : 98年人權影展暨徵文比賽系列活動 579.27 4800 N012983 AV for Circulation
188 立法院議政博物館簡介 [錄影資料] / 069.833 0370 N012988 AV for Circulation
189 教育部影像顯示科技人才培育計畫 [錄影資料] : 成果紀實 ; 2004.06-2008.12 312.803 4800|e2010 N012990 AV for Circulation
190 台灣的藻類 [錄影資料]= The algae of Taiwan 379.2 4061 N010591 AV for Circulation
191 不老騎士 [錄影資料] : 歐兜邁環台日記 = Go grandriders 992.79 4413 DVD N013669 AV for Circulation
192 尊重與包容 [錄影資料] : 99年人權影片徵文比賽影片光碟 579.27 4800 N013008 AV for Circulation
193 防災西遊記 [錄影資料] / 555.56 2227 DVD N013539 AV for Circulation
194 悅讀陽明山 : 環境教育課程教學手冊. [電子資源] 367.026 0885 DVD N013798 AV for Circulation
195 百年藝教 [錄影資料] : 數位影音創作 910.29 4444 DVD N013538 AV for Circulation
196 合歡山看雲去 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011208 AV for Circulation
197 出神入化看武術 [錄影資料]= Extreme martial arts 528.97 2382 N011319 AV for Circulation
198 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1953, 莊國鈞 畜牧生產在台灣= Raising livestock (pigs) in Taiwan during the early 1950s 733.4 4392 N011076 AV for Circulation
199 穿越摩洛哥 [錄影資料] 1, 挑戰開始= Eco-Challenge : Morocco I 993 3403 N011325 AV for Circulation
200 小宇宙 [錄影資料] : 致命一擊 = Asteroids: deadly impact 323.6 8663 N011390 AV for Circulation
201 哈伯太空望遠鏡 [錄影資料]= Robots rising 322.42 6243 N011324 AV for Circulation
202 戰爭與工業革命 [錄影資料]= War and civilization: blood and iron 595 6671 N011359 AV for Circulation
203 白宫 [錄影資料]= The white house 574.521 8663 N011392 AV for Circulation
204 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1993, 胡台麗 蘭嶼觀點= Voices of Orchid Island 733.4 4392 N011081 AV for Circulation
205 五角大廈 [錄影資料]= The pentagon 599.952 1240 N011321 AV for Circulation
206 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1964, 白景瑞 台北之晨= A morning in Taipei$zeng 733.4 4392 N011077 AV for Circulation
207 超級攝影師 [錄影資料]= Cameramen who dared 959 8663 N011386 AV for Circulation
208 世紀科學成就 [錄影資料]= Century of discoveries 307.9 4227 N011143 AV for Circulation
209 代理孕母 [錄影資料]= Making babies: cash and carry 544.43 2117 N011338 AV for Circulation
210 生物科學探索 [錄影資料]= 10 minutes of science part3 303.4 6503 N011047 AV for Circulation
211 大宅, 門都沒有 [錄影資料]= Lost Behind the door 991.99 4462 N011098 AV for Circulation
212 明日汽車 [錄影資料]= Future of the car: Bits of the picture 447.1 6635 N011332 AV for Circulation
213 險地尋奇 [錄影資料] 1, 氣旋風暴= The world s most treacherous places: air 367.28 7414 N011352 AV for Circulation
214 險地尋奇 [錄影資料] 3, 致命惡水= The world's most treacherous places: earth 367.28 7414 N011354 AV for Circulation
215 巴拿馬生態 [錄影資料]= Panama wild : rain forest of life 366.556 8663 N011372 AV for Circulation
216 飛越非洲 [錄影資料]= Flight over Africa 760.9 8663 N011379 AV for Circulation
217 憤怒的地球 [錄影資料]= Nature's fury 367.28 8663 N011395 AV for Circulation
218 地景風雲 [錄影資料] / 920 4462 N011096 AV for Circulation
219 澳洲袋鼠王國 [錄影資料]= Kangaroo comeback 389.3 8663 N011374 AV for Circulation
220 台灣鐵路之旅 [錄影資料] : 尋找台灣蒸汽火車 水櫃式火車 446.37 4502 N011057 AV for Circulation
221 神秘的宇宙 [錄影資料]=. The secrets of our universe 323.9 3223 N011584 AV for Circulation
222 超級公路 [錄影資料]= Super highways 719.85 4286 N011295 AV for Circulation
223 恐龍獵人 [錄影資料]= Dinosaur hunters 388.794 8663 N011380 AV for Circulation
224 軍武特輯 [錄影資料] [3], 海權= Extreme machines : sea power 595.9 3125 N011308 AV for Circulation
225 台灣史 [錄影資料] 諺語篇 539.927 9604 N011116 AV for Circulation
226 台灣的國家公園 [錄影資料] / 992.3833 9604 N011454 AV for Circulation
227 台灣休閒農場系列 [錄影資料] / 677.6 0362-1 N011173 AV for Circulation
228 合歡山下雪囉 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011206 AV for Circulation
229 台灣古道誌 [錄影資料] / 677.3 8036 N011102 AV for Circulation
230 台灣世界遺產 [錄影資料] : 潛力點 677.9 9604 N011118 AV for Circulation
231 台灣的水庫系列 [錄影資料]= Explore Taiwan 443.64 0362 N011133 AV for Circulation
232 台灣地理風情畫 [錄影資料] 國家公園系列 992.3833 4341 N011168 AV for Circulation
233 台灣地理風情畫 [錄影資料] 國家風景區系列 677.64 4341 N011180 AV for Circulation
234 靑藏鐵路 [錄影資料] / 442.4 6503 N011094 AV for Circulation
235 遠古太空人 [錄影資料]= Science frontiers : Ancient astronauts 799.1 3443 N011358 AV for Circulation
236 仇恨的根源 [錄影資料]= Behind the hatred : roots of conflict 735.3 2924 N011320 AV for Circulation
237 大雪崩 [錄影資料]= Avalanche: the white death 367.281 8663 N011393 AV for Circulation
238 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1935/1937/1943, 鄧南光 漁遊/台北幼稚園運動會/台北映像選輯= The fishing trip/kindergarten games/Taipei image collections 733.4 4392 N011075 AV for Circulation
239 黑暗視界 [錄影資料] / 529.65 7781 N011153 AV for Circulation
240 雷震 殷海光 [錄影資料] 677.7 8036-1 N011248 AV for Circulation
241 台灣生態探索 [錄影資料]= Typhoon island 366.27 2684 N011568 AV for Circulation
242 珍珠港 [錄影資料] = Pearl Harbor: legacy of attack 592.9154 8663 N011387 AV for Circulation
243 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1993, 簡偉斯 等待月事的女人= A woman waiting for her period / 1995, 吳米森 梵谷的耳朵= Van gogh's ear 733.4 4392 N011082 AV for Circulation
244 穿越摩洛哥 [錄影資料] 2, 最終勝利= Eco-Challenge : Morocco II 993 3403 N011326 AV for Circulation
245 百萬富翁的最佳去處 [錄影資料]= High class hotspots 719.85 1438 N011422 AV for Circulation
246 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 10, 過敏= The body invaders: allergies 415.1 9600 N011427 AV for Circulation
247 勇闖天涯 [錄影資料] : 美食特集 = Lonely planet's good [and bad] global food guide 719.85 1713 N011406 AV for Circulation
248 險地尋奇 [錄影資料] 2, 地裂山崩= The world s most treacherous places: earth 367.28 7414 N011353 AV for Circulation
249 恐怖年代 [錄影資料]. [4], 以國家之名=. Age of terror : in the name of state 740.275 1982 N011318 AV for Circulation
250 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1999, 林泰州 獻給自己的作品= A pice of work ofr myself / 2000, 林俊泓 短見= A short film about death 2000, 喬慰萱 逐漸剝落= Deterioration 2003, 吳俊輝 諾亞諾亞= Noah Noah 733.4 4392 N011088 AV for Circulation
251 玉山的春夏秋冬 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011203 AV for Circulation
252 神戶大地震 [錄影資料]= Great quakes: Kobe, Japan 354.4931 3324 N011331 AV for Circulation
253 聖嬰之謎 [錄影資料]= Mysteries of El Nino 328.1 1630 N011290 AV for Circulation
254 中國新展望 [錄影資料] [1] : 新少林方丈 = China past forward : ceo of shaolin 690 5607 N011309 AV for Circulation
255 FBI檔案 [錄影資料]= Best kept secrets: FBI 599.7352 4930 N011340 AV for Circulation
256 玄祕之旅 [錄影資料] 3, 未解之謎= Mysterious journeys: unexplained 297 0330 N011357 AV for Circulation
257 玉山第一次登頂教戰守則 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011204 AV for Circulation
258 合歡山花瘋了 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011209 AV for Circulation
259 恐怖年代 [錄影資料]. [1], 以解放之名=. Age of terror : in the name of liberation 740.275 1982 N011315 AV for Circulation
260 太空站實錄 [錄影資料]= Inside the space station 326 4303 N011342 AV for Circulation
261 維蘇威火山的陰影 [錄影資料]= In the shadow of Vesuvius 354.1 8663-1 N011384 AV for Circulation
262 旅遊首選 [錄影資料] : 恐怖景點 = World's creepiest destinations 992 0383-1 N011417 AV for Circulation
263 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1986, 丁松筠/李道明 殺戮戰場的邊緣= Beyond the Killin fields: refugees on the Thai-Cambodian border 733.4 4392 N011079 AV for Circulation
264 機器人時代 [錄影資料]= Robots rising 446.014 4686 N011323 AV for Circulation
265 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1966/1967, 莊靈 延/赤子= Life continued/my newborn baby 733.4 4392 N011078 AV for Circulation
266 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [1], 火場英雄= Rescue international : facing the fire 548.46 6744 N011298 AV for Circulation
267 軍武特輯 [錄影資料] [2], 空權= Extreme machines : air power 595.9 3125 N011307 AV for Circulation
268 工程事故 [錄影資料]= Discovery magazine I : engineering disasters 441 1254 N011347 AV for Circulation
269 黃石公園 [錄影資料]= Yellowstone: realm of the coyote 752.769 8663 N011371 AV for Circulation
270 旅遊首選 [錄影資料] : 圓夢假期 = World's best places to live out your fantasy 992 0383 N011416 AV for Circulation
271 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [3], 高山救援= Rescue international : high altitude 548.46 6744 N011300 AV for Circulation
272 合歡山361度景觀地標 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011207 AV for Circulation
273 中國新展望 [錄影資料] [5], 再造紙村= China past forward : the weight of paper 690 5607 N011313 AV for Circulation
274 太空汽車 [錄影資料]= Future of the car: The space invasion 447.1 4335 N011333 AV for Circulation
275 間諜新科技 [錄影資料]= Spy tek 599.72 7002 N011337 AV for Circulation
276 壓力測試 [錄影資料]= Stress test 332.7 7430 N011350 AV for Circulation
277 玄祕之旅 [錄影資料] 1, 未知之地= Mysterious journeys: unknown 297 0330 N011355 AV for Circulation
278 偉大的印度鐵路 [錄影資料]= The great Indian railway 557.26371 8663 N011378 AV for Circulation
279 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 8, 關節炎= The body invaders: Arthritis 415.1 9600 N011425 AV for Circulation
280 恐怖年代 [錄影資料]. [3], 以信仰之名=. Age of terror : in the name of god 740.275 1982 N011317 AV for Circulation
281 窺探自然 [錄影資料]= Wild passions 380 8663 N011389 AV for Circulation
282 旅遊首選 [錄影資料] : 情侶天堂 = World's sexiest destinations for couples 992 0383-3 N011419 AV for Circulation
283 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 2003, 許慧如 雜菜記= Hard good life 733.4 4392 N011087 AV for Circulation
284 伽俐略對話錄 [錄影資料]= Great books V : Galileo's dialogue 324.3 2263 N011322 AV for Circulation
285 致命流沙 [錄影資料]= Danger: quicksand 354 8663-1 N011394 AV for Circulation
286 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 2002, 黃庭輔 指月記= Nail 733.4 4392 N011086 AV for Circulation
287 故宫 [錄影資料]=. The Forbidden city 069.82 4830 N011234 AV for Circulation
288 飛行里程碑 [錄影資料] 2, 火箭= Frontiers of flight: rocket power 447.7 1262 N011287 AV for Circulation
289 太空探險 [錄影資料] : 最後的假期 = Space - the final vacation 326.13 4357 N011293 AV for Circulation
290 中國新展望 [錄影資料] [6], 醋鄉吟= China past forward : surviving vinegar 690 5607 N011314 AV for Circulation
291 登陸月球 [錄影資料]= One giant leap 325 1771 N011362 AV for Circulation
292 智慧汽車 [錄影資料]= Future of the car: Information highways 447.1 8535 N011334 AV for Circulation
293 人工受精 [錄影資料]= Making babies: the father factor 471.125 8129 N011339 AV for Circulation
294 基礎發明 [錄影資料]= Connections III : elementary stuff 440.6 4116 N011351 AV for Circulation
295 巴拿馬運河 [錄影資料]= Panama Canal: the mountain and the mosquito 755.7 8663 N011363 AV for Circulation
296 神祕三角洲 [錄影資料]= Okavango: Africa's wild oasis 367.83 8663 N011375 AV for Circulation
297 偉大的吳哥窟 [錄影資料]= Glories of Angkor wat 798.80384 8663 N011391 AV for Circulation
298 夢幻住宅 [錄影資料]= Dream living 928.52 4223 N011410 AV for Circulation
299 玉山的前世今生 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011202 AV for Circulation
300 梁祝 [錄影資料] : 曠世情緣 = Everlasting love affair 916.1 4424 N011201 AV for Circulation
301 尋找阿富汗少女 [錄影資料]= Search for the Afghan girl 736.2 8663 N011369 AV for Circulation
302 101件人生必做大事 [錄影資料]= 101 Things to do before you die 719.85 1112 N011294 AV for Circulation
303 中國新展望 [錄影資料] [2], 絳州鑼鼓= China past forward : beating tradition 690 5607 N011310 AV for Circulation
304 探索隱藏世界 [錄影資料]= Discovery magazine I : hidden worlds 369.4 5474 N011345 AV for Circulation
305 勇闖天涯 [錄影資料] : 海灘特集 = Lonely planet : beach guide 719.85 1713-1 N011407 AV for Circulation
306 勇闖天涯 [錄影資料] : 節慶特集 = Lonely planet : festivals 719.85 1713-2 N011408 AV for Circulation
307 成龍遊香江 [錄影資料]= Jackie Chan's Hong Kong 719.85 5032 N011424 AV for Circulation
308 台灣水中生態系列 [錄影資料] / 388.5 0362 N011105 AV for Circulation
309 石頭夢 [錄影資料]= Stone dream 590.9933 4721 N011567 AV for Circulation
310 台灣古砲台 [錄影資料] / 673.26 4502 N011069 AV for Circulation
311 記錄911懷念金曲 [錄影資料] : 四海一家親 = We are family /柰爾斯羅傑斯音樂製作 913.6052 4146 N011566 AV for Circulation
312 魔鏡 [錄影資料] / 520 8036 N011564 AV for Circulation
313 狗狗猩猩大冒險 [錄影資料] / 557.776 6512 N011142 AV for Circulation
314 天賦之軀 [錄影資料]=. Body by Nature$ 367.5 1632 N011291 AV for Circulation
315 中國新展望 [錄影資料] [4], 廟街歲月= China past forward : street fo dreams 690 5607 N011312 AV for Circulation
316 時光旅行 [錄影資料]= Discovery magazine: Lost in time 164.5 6902 N011343 AV for Circulation
317 北極冰原 [錄影資料]= Arctic kingdom : life at the edge 778 8663 N011370 AV for Circulation
318 國家地理百年紀念 [錄影資料]= The explorers: a century of discovery 716 8663-1 N011385 AV for Circulation
319 旅遊首選 [錄影資料] : 單身樂園 = World's hottest getwaways for singles 992 0383-2 N011418 AV for Circulation
320 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 2000, 沈可尚 噤聲三角= Silent delta / 2000, 陳芯宜 誰來釣魚= Who is fishing 2000, 郭珍弟 清文不在家= Libangbang-Ching-Wen's not home 733.4 4392 N011084 AV for Circulation
321 墨西哥大地震 [錄影資料]= Great quakes: Mexico city 354.4954 6114 N011329 AV for Circulation
322 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 2001, 周美玲/劉芸后 私角落= Corner's 733.4 4392 N011085 AV for Circulation
323 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [4], 急難救助= Rescue international : extreme rescues 548.46 6744 N011301 AV for Circulation
324 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [5], 千鈞一髮= Rescue international : extreme rescues 548.46 6744 N011302 AV for Circulation
325 深入火場 [錄影資料] [1], 都市火災= Into the flames : fire in the city 367.28 3894 N011303 AV for Circulation
326 深入火場 [錄影資料] [2], 航空大火= Into the flames : fire in the sky 367.28 3894 N011304 AV for Circulation
327 深入火場 [錄影資料] [3], 山林大火= Into the flames : fire in the hills 367.28 3894 N011305 AV for Circulation
328 恐怖年代 [錄影資料]. [2] : 以革命之名 = Age of terror : in the name of revolution 740.275 1982 N011316 AV for Circulation
329 鬼斧神工峇里島 [錄影資料]= Bali: masterpice of the gods 739.629 8663 N011376 AV for Circulation
330 氣旋風暴 [錄影資料]= Cyclone! 328.55 8663 N011397 AV for Circulation
331 中國藝術大觀 [錄影資料]= Artifacts 902.2 5642 N011415 AV for Circulation
332 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 9, 心肌梗塞= The body invaders: heart attack 415.1 9600 N011426 AV for Circulation
333 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 12, 沉迷成癮= The body invaders: everday addictions 415.1 9600 N011429 AV for Circulation
334 太陽系 [錄影資料]= Discovery magazine: Solar system 323.2 4072 N011344 AV for Circulation
335 超級賽車 [錄影資料]= Super racers 993.2 4235 N011328 AV for Circulation
336 快樂的力量 [錄影資料]= Science frontiers : pleasure power 176.51 9224 N011285 AV for Circulation
337 飛行里程碑 [錄影資料] 1 : 動力飛行 = Frontiers of flight: powered flight 447.7 1262 N011286 AV for Circulation
338 蚊子 [錄影資料]= The original vampire 412.4923 5017 N011292 AV for Circulation
339 超級列車與車站 [錄影資料]= Super train & mega stations 719 4215 N011297 AV for Circulation
340 國際救難隊 [錄影資料] [2], 分秒必爭= Rescue international : rapid response 548.46 6744 N011299 AV for Circulation
341 軍武特輯 [錄影資料] [1], 陸權= Extreme machines : land power 595.9 3125 N011306 AV for Circulation
342 中國新展望 [錄影資料] [3], 北京胡同= China past forward : forever Beijng 690 5607 N011311 AV for Circulation
343 終極運動員 [錄影資料]= Ultimate athlete: pushing the limit 528.9 2432 N011327 AV for Circulation
344 西班牙之魂 [錄影資料]= The soul of Spain 764.13 8663 N011377 AV for Circulation
345 狂野的海豚 [錄影資料]= Dolphins : the wild side 389.7 8663-1 N011383 AV for Circulation
346 旅遊首選 [錄影資料] : 超級遊樂園 = World's best thrill parks 992 0383-4 N011420 AV for Circulation
347 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 11, 頭痛= The body invaders: headaches 415.1 9600 N011428 AV for Circulation
348 認識消化系統 [錄影資料] : 飲食與消化 = The inside track: we are what we eat 394.5 0032 N011430 AV for Circulation
349 探索愛滋病系列 [錄影資料] : 正視愛滋病 = AIDS: answers and berakthroughs "Changing Faces" 415.6 5423 N011433 AV for Circulation
350 舊金山大地震 [錄影資料]= Great quakes: San Francisco 354.4952 4824 N011330 AV for Circulation
351 無形塾太極拳實戰理論 [錄影資料]= 太極拳を使う 528.972 3624 N010702 AV for Circulation
352 大唐樂舞 [錄影資料]= Singing & dancing in the Tang dynasty 976.1 6025 N011642 AV for Circulation
353 老子說 121.31 4445 N011851 AV for Circulation
354 孔子說 121.22 4445 N011847 AV for Circulation
355 列子說 121.32 4445|e2003 N011843 AV for Circulation
356 韓非子說 121.67 4445 N011841 AV for Circulation
357 臺灣世紀回味 [錄影資料] / 677.7 8036-2 N011636 AV for Circulation
358 莊子說 121.33 4445 N011849 AV for Circulation
359 孟子說 121.26 4445 N011845 AV for Circulation
360 台東有機牛肉推廣實況 [錄影資料] / 437.31 4054 N013052 AV for Circulation
361 2010全國女性科學家會議 [錄影資料] : 築夢追夢圓夢 = National conference on woman scientists 309.933 1018 DVD N013164 AV for Circulation
362 生命相對論 [錄影資料] 第三輯 191.91 2114 DVD N013166 AV for Circulation
363 多樣的福爾摩沙 [錄影資料]=. The many faces of Formosa 677.2 4302 N010717 AV for Circulation
364 嘉義印象觀光影片 [錄影資料] / 677.966 1625 N010714 AV for Circulation
365 那些淡江教我們的事 [錄影資料] / 525.827 3347-1 DVD N013177 AV for Circulation
366 英國 [錄影資料] : 走向現代 712.4 5513 N010763 AV for Circulation
367 橋梁工法施工影輯 [錄影資料] / 441.8 0030-1 N006956 AV for Circulation
368 法國 [錄影資料] : 激情歲月 712.4 5513 N010765 AV for Circulation
369 文建會2001舞躍大地舞蹈創作比賽得獎作品 [錄影資料] : 踩過之處,盡放光芒 976 5722|e2001 N010734 AV for Circulation
370 打拼 [錄影資料] : 台灣人民的歷史 ; 首部以人民為主體影像台灣史 677.2 8325-1 N011857 AV for Circulation
371 台灣教育人物誌 [錄影資料] / 520.98 4838 N010752 AV for Circulation
372 62年與6500哩之間 [錄影資料] / 733.4 1104 N011861 AV for Circulation
373 重建之路 [錄影資料] : 公路局921地震救災實錄 548.317 8325 N006433 AV for Circulation
374 生命 [錄影資料] : 五封寄不出去的信一部真實的電影 548.317 2612 N011858 AV for Circulation
375 英國 [錄影資料] : 工業先聲 712.4 5513 N010764 AV for Circulation
376 夢.旅人 [錄影資料] : 每個人的旅程宛如夢想交錯 226.96 5272 N011860 AV for Circulation
377 荷蘭 [錄影資料] : 小國大業 712.4 5513 N010762 AV for Circulation
378 三叉坑 [錄影資料] : 遷村的消息如雲霧,籠罩靜靜的山谷 548.317 7505 N011859 AV for Circulation
379 核能安全你我安心 [錄影資料] : 行政院原子能委員會業務深度報導 449.68 7128 N007016 AV for Circulation
380 關懷失智症 [錄影資料] : 千萬別忘了你的「老」朋友.失智症的面面觀 415.934 4442 DVD N013183 AV for Circulation
381 安心好眠 [錄影資料] : 安心入睡不發愁:情緒與睡眠 411.77 4020 DVD N013184 AV for Circulation
382 關懷失智症 [錄影資料] : 代謝症候群會使你變笨? 415.934 1043 DVD N013181 AV for Circulation
383 沉潛與重生 [錄影資料] : 鹿港龍山寺修復工程紀錄片 927.1 7237 DVD N013180 AV for Circulation
384 安心好眠 [錄影資料] : 打鼾背後隱藏的疾病 411.77 3122 N013185 AV for Circulation
385 關懷失智症 [錄影資料] : 珍愛記憶依然精彩.談失智症照顧者的心理調適與溝通技巧 415.934 3611 DVD N013182 AV for Circulation
386 電腦的震撼 [錄影資料]= Computershock 471.5 6503 N010883 AV for Circulation
387 防治糖尿病宣導短片 [錄影資料] / 415.85 9707-1 DVD N013186 AV for Circulation
388 征服北極 [錄影資料] : Beyond the Arctic 778 4643 N014837 AV for Circulation
389 舞青春 稅有責 [錄影資料] : 2010熱門街舞競賽 976.22 4392 N013123 AV for Circulation
390 防災教育3D動畫與線上遊戲 [錄影資料]=. 亞洲大學資訊傳播學系 528.39 1347 N013125 AV for Circulation
391 校園災害防救計畫 [錄影資料] : 示範宣導光碟 528.39 1347-1 N013126 AV for Circulation
392 應用統計方法. 錄影資料 : Excel精析與實例 312.49E9 4444|e2007 N015120 AV for Circulation
393 「未來科技狂想曲」特展紀錄影片 [錄影資料] / 410 6283 DVD N013317 AV for Circulation
394 拯救驟變的地球 [錄影資料] : A changing planet 367 2634 N012515 AV for Circulation
395 高速鐵路土建工程全跨預鑄吊裝工法概述. 電子資源 : 3D動畫解析高鐵橋梁全跨吊裝 |pCD442.54 5437 N010920 AV for Circulation
396 垃圾變黃金 [錄影資料]= Garbage : The Gold of Tomorrow 445.4 0020 N013148 AV for Circulation
397 原知.原味 [錄影資料]=. The origins 539.529 7740 N010994 AV for Circulation
398 悅.讀客庄 [錄影資料] / 536.211 9030 DVD N013316 AV for Circulation
399 我們的教室,我們的夢 [錄影資料] : 六個台灣創意教師團隊的故事 521.5 8871 N012540 AV for Circulation
400 智慧台灣 [錄影資料]=. Intelligent Taiwan 733 2172 N012539 AV for Circulation
401 動物擂台精選系列 [錄影資料]=. The most extreme III 381 2252 N011950 AV for Circulation
402 危險心靈 [錄影資料] / 987.83 6080 N011966 AV for Circulation
403 快不快樂四人行 [錄影資料]=. Happy or not 415.95 2659 N012534 AV for Circulation
404 時代輪廓 [影音資料] : 嶄新與蛻變的歷程 987.83 4391 N012538 AV for Circulation
405 體育單項運動教學光碟 [錄影資料]. F 528.9 4838-2 N012579 AV for Circulation
406 奇蹟的夏天 [錄影資料]=. My football summer 528.951 4643 N011914 AV for Circulation
407 新台風 [錄影資料] 3 782.887 4716 D012580 AV for Circulation
408 大自然特寫精選系列 [錄影資料]=. Profiles of Nature XII 381 1001 N011944 AV for Circulation
409 公司治理另類教材 [錄影資料] : 勞動打拼五十冬. 咱的故事咱的夢. 中華電信工會1993-2007反民營化全記錄 556.733 5412 N012592 AV for Circulation
410 我們的島 [錄影資料] : 動物特輯 351.4 8325-1 N011978 AV for Circulation
411 音樂導聆DVD精彩片段剪輯 [錄影資料] : 永不過時的音樂經典 910.38 7223 N012590 AV for Circulation
412 驚艷客家 [錄影資料]=. Amazing Hakka 536.211 2708 N011988 AV for Circulation
413 研究方法12堂必修課 [錄影資料] : 組織行為和人力資源研究方法入門 494.2031 4494 N012004 AV for Circulation
414 雲端上的寶藏 [錄影資料]=. The treasure in the clouds 028.07 6028 DVD N013550 AV for Circulation
415 百日維新 [錄影資料] : 許孩子一個無限可能的未來 192 1816 DVD N013318 AV for Circulation
416 暖化新世界 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 DVD N013332 AV for Circulation
417 台灣文化新瓷典 [錄影資料] : 琉園、八方新器 192 1816 DVD N013333 AV for Circulation
418 解決壓力的心理維他命 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 DVD N013334 AV for Circulation
419 勇敢做大夢 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 DVD N013337 AV for Circulation
420 傾聽大地的聲音 [錄影資料] : 優人神鼓 192 1816 DVD N013335 AV for Circulation
421 少子化-台灣人口轉型危機與轉機 [錄影資料] / 192 1816 DVD N013336 AV for Circulation
422 高雄文藝獎頒獎典禮暨得獎者短片. 2016 [錄影資料] 909.8 0401 2016 DVD N014108 AV for Circulation
423 鍊.火之畫作 [錄影資料] 863.51 3131-11 DVD N014113 AV for Circulation
424 第二自然 [錄影資料] = Artificial nature 902.33 5242-1 DVD N013482 AV for Circulation
425 自然環境變遷的探索 [錄影資料]= The allure of nature 367 0233 DVD N013488 AV for Circulation
426 地心揭秘 [錄影資料] : Inside planet earth 353.13 4352 DVD N013571 AV for Circulation
427 耕耘臺灣農業全印象-涓涓流水萬物欣 [錄影資料] : 臺灣農田水利百年紀錄影片 733.32 5528 DVD N013587 AV for Circulation
428 生命相對論 [錄影資料]. 第五輯 191.91 2114 DVD N013574 AV for Circulation
429 台灣燈會在彰化 [錄影資料] 2012 : 龍耀巨獻永恆傳奇 733.957 0222 DVD N013592 AV for Circulation
430 孫大偉書房 [錄音資料] : 聽大偉說書學課堂沒教的事 072 1242 CD N013352 AV for Circulation
431 地球環境生態警訊 [錄影資料]= SOS Earth calling 445.9 0233 DVD N013632 AV for Circulation
432 透視內幕 [錄影資料] : 國立故宮博物院 069.833 6041 DVD N013447 AV for Circulation
433 生命相對論 [錄影資料]. 第四輯 191.91 2114 DVD N013405 AV for Circulation
434 老師,您好! [錄影資料] : 音樂舞臺劇岡山場演出紀實 984.8 2533 DVD N013446 AV for Circulation
435 夢想,從改變開始 [錄影資料]= Dreams begin with change 578.9 4057 DVD N013390 AV for Circulation
436 臺中文化創意產業園區簡介 [錄影資料] / 528.416 3872 DVD N013451 AV for Circulation
437 敬!陽光燦爛的日子 [錄影資料] : 2011總統教育獎得主紀錄短片 = The shining life 520.927 4800-5 DVD N013449 AV for Circulation
438 2012看見新北觀點 [錄影資料] : 新北市經典社區影像紀錄片精選專輯 733.93 4444 DVD N013450 AV for Circulation
439 搶救石虎 [錄影資料] / 389.818 3125 DVD N013458 AV for Circulation
440 台灣心 文獻情 [錄影資料] : 王世慶先生口述歷史影像紀錄專輯 783.3886 1040 N012989 AV for Circulation
441 臺灣人權發展系列講座 [錄影資料] 579.27 4370-2 DVD N013848 AV for Circulation
442 見證臺灣民主系列論壇 [錄影資料] 733.2929 4370 DVD N013855 AV for Circulation
443 勇闖天涯 [錄影資料] : 世界行腳 = Lonely planet : Trek 719.85 1713-3 N011409 AV for Circulation
444 玄祕之旅 [錄影資料] 2, 超自然接觸= Mysterious journeys: supernatural 297 0330 N011356 AV for Circulation
445 甜蜜的負荷 [錄影資料] : 吳晟詩.誦 915.18 2660 DVD N013724 AV for Circulation
446 華人之光豐偉典藏 [錄影資料] : 李華偉教授特展暨學術圖書館發展趨勢研討會 022 4042 DVD N013735 AV for Circulation
447 振翮高飛 鵠志萬里 [錄影資料] : 王振鵠教授口述歷史紀錄片暨生平概覽 783.3886 1052 DVD N013736 AV for Circulation
448 滾滾沙河 [錄影資料] : 濁水溪 733.325 7533 DVD N013700 AV for Circulation
449 搶救石虎 [錄影資料] = Saving leopard cats 389.818 0830 DVD N013816 AV for Circulation
450 地方治理的經驗與傳承系列講座 [錄影資料] 575.33 4370 DVD N013915 AV for Circulation
451 食家與廚娘 [錄影資料] : 無障礙閱讀推廣計畫 = A gourmet and a cook : Barrier-free reading promotion plan 538.7 8031 DVD N013972 AV for Circulation
452 振翮高飛 鵠志萬里 [錄影資料] : 王振鵠教授九秩榮慶特展 783.3886 1052-1 DVD N013737 AV for Circulation
453 歧視卡麥啦 [錄影資料] : 102年度防制就業歧視微電影徵選得獎作品集 542.77 0191 DVD N013840 AV for Circulation
454 西班牙十大景點 [錄影資料]= Top ten spain 719.85 1174 N011296 AV for Circulation
455 金城武極地任務 [錄影資料] 779 2422 N008904 AV for Circulation
456 大陸尋奇 [錄影資料] / 690 4714 N009034 AV for Circulation
457 一同走過從前 [錄影資料] : 攜手台灣四十年 677 1010-2 N007877 AV for Circulation
458 台灣競爭力的故事 [錄影資料] : 獻給全台灣工作中的人 552.287 1010 N007885 AV for Circulation
459 亞洲民主人權獎 [錄影資料] = Asia democracy and human rights award 579.27 4370-3 DVD N013966 AV for Circulation
460 開心海洋世界地球日 [錄影資料] : 國家地理頻道2010開心海洋影像紀實作品集 367.47 6341 DVD N013976 AV for Circulation
461 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1991, 李道明 人民的聲音(環保篇)= Voice of the people 733.4 4392 N011080 AV for Circulation
462 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料] 1933, 劉吶鷗 持攝影機的男人-人間卷/東京卷/風景卷/廣州卷/遊行卷= Man with a camera-people/Tokyo/sightseeing/Guangzhou/parade 733.4 4392 N011074 AV for Circulation
463 絕色水沙連 [錄影資料] : 夢幻般的日月潭山水美景 = The magnificent land of the lakeside aborigines 733.9562 9081 DVD N013977 AV for Circulation
464 能源危機與永續發展 [錄影資料] : 節能減碳環境教育 : Energy crisis and sustainable development 328.8018 0780 DVD N013980 AV for Circulation
465 從半島連結南島 [錄影資料] : 枋寮藝術村國際交流計畫 906.6 8784 DVD N013978 AV for Circulation
466 我們的島嶼 : 釣魚臺列嶼 [錄影資料] = 釣魚臺列嶼主權屬於中華民國教育版文宣影片 578.193 4002 DVD N013931 AV for Circulation
467 大學就是這樣復活的 [錄影資料] : 大學小革命成果紀錄片 525.933 5442 DVD N013810 AV for Circulation
468 1度之差 [錄影資料] = One degree matters : we can slove climate change 328.8 6824 DVD N013926 AV for Circulation
469 探索愛滋病系列 [錄影資料] : 終結愛滋病 = AIDS: answers and berakthroughs "Ending the epidemic" 415.6 5423-1 N011605 AV for Circulation
470 認識消化系統 [錄影資料] : 消化疾病(系統崩潰) = The inside track: system breakdown 394.5 0032-1 N011431 AV for Circulation
471 認識消化系統 [錄影資料] : 如何吃才健康(選擇在我) = The inside track: the choice is ours 394.5 0032-2 N011432 AV for Circulation
472 鱷魚先生 [錄影資料]= The crocodile hunter 388.793 2222 N011629 AV for Circulation
473 中國 [錄影資料] : 四大文明 600 6406 N007509 AV for Circulation
474 美索不達米亞 [DVD Video] : 四大文明 600 6406 N007508 AV for Circulation
475 西班牙北部 [錄影資料] = Northern Spain 719 1713-1 N010515 AV for Circulation
476 間諜衛星 [錄影資料]= Secret satellite 447.964 7026 N011341 AV for Circulation
477 迪士尼魔幻假期 [錄影資料]= Magical disney holidays 719.85 1438-1 N011423 AV for Circulation
478 葡萄牙 西班牙 [錄影資料] : 海洋時代 712.4 5513 N010761 AV for Circulation
479 世紀宋美齢 [錄影資料] 782.886 3082 N008993 AV for Circulation
480 玉山沿途地標 [錄影資料] / 677.3 7225 N011205 AV for Circulation
481 大腦謎思 [錄影資料]= Discovery magazine I : Brain 398.916 4706 N011346 AV for Circulation
482 和平的祈禱 [錄影資料] : 大黃河中國的母親 = Pray for peace 913.6 4367 N011643 AV for Circulation
483 恐懼實驗室 [錄影資料]= Science frontiers: scare me 176.526 1937 N011284 AV for Circulation
484 來自外太空 [錄影資料]= Science frontiers : it came from outer space 367.9 4224 N011283 AV for Circulation
485 飛行里程碑 [錄影資料] 3, 噴射機= Frontiers of flight: jet power 447.7 1262 N011288 AV for Circulation
486 金融探索之旅 [錄影資料] 561.927 2381 N015066 AV for Circulation
487 埃及 [DVD Video] : 四大文明 600 6406 N007507 AV for Circulation
488 游泳入門 [錄影資料] 528.96 4825 N008958 AV for Circulation
489 產房 [錄影資料] / 351.9 3177 N012343 AV for Circulation
490 漫遊台灣 [錄影資料] 4 : 峽谷風情 733.3 3040 DVD N014041 AV for Circulation
491 漫遊台灣 [錄影資料] 5 : 瀑布風情 733.3 3040 DVD N014042 AV for Circulation
492 極地之爭 [錄影資料] = Ice race 778 4432 DVD N013997 AV for Circulation
493 寰宇瑰寶 [錄影資料] = Jewels of the world : 世界極景 718 3313 DVD N014038 AV for Circulation
494 有影秀臺灣 [錄影資料] : 2014生態電影節 367.7 4022 2014 DVD N014130 AV for Circulation
495 有影秀臺灣 [錄影資料] : 2013生態電影節 367.7 4022 2013 DVD N014120 AV for Circulation
496 南方青春夢 [錄影資料] : 恆春半島行 = Youth dreams of the south : tour of the Hengchun peninsula 733.979 9081 DVD N014132 AV for Circulation
497 中小學教師專業發展評鑑 [錄影資料] : 優良教學檔案甄選計畫影片. 104學年度 522.29 4104 DVD N014114 AV for Circulation
498 逐鹿臺江 [錄影資料] = Taijiang cultural confluence, witness to history 733.2 1180 DVD N014133 AV for Circulation
499 角落 [錄影資料]=. Corner's 544.75 8036 N006192 AV for Circulation
500 退潮 [錄影資料] : 臺灣西部海岸濕地上動人的生命故事 = Ebb and flow 351.333 4183 DVD N013721 AV for Circulation
501 大堡礁 [錄影資料]= Australia's great barrier reef 771.7 8663 N011373 AV for Circulation
502 家在永安 [錄影資料] 733.9744 4464 DVD N013928 AV for Circulation
503 生命換日線 [錄影資料] = Love makes whole 416.413 6552 DVD N014105 AV for Circulation
504 義保利民: 擺接義塚大墓公中元祭典 [錄影資料] : 土城大墓公口述歷史影像紀錄專輯 538.596 2638 DVD N014965 AV for Circulation
505 智客 [錄影資料] = Smart people 542.75 9209 DVD N014090 AV for Circulation
506 稻田裡的音符 [錄影資料] = The island of 1000 violins 910.933 4024 DVD N013989 AV for Circulation
507 鉋光掠影 [錄影資料] : 一甲子的鉋藝年華 : 詹益農先生口述歷史影像紀錄專輯 933 2325 DVD N014046 AV for Circulation
508 破解達文西密碼 [錄影資料] 909.945 4424-1 DVD N014102 AV for Circulation
509 工研院技術創新軌跡系列紀錄片 [錄影資料]. 第一,二集 448.6 1057 DVD N014048 AV for Circulation
510 大自然的饗宴 [錄影資料] = Feast of the predators 380 4445 DVD N014195 AV for Circulation
511 潟湖生物追追追 [錄影資料] = Creatures of the lagoon 366.953 3644 DVD N014196 AV for Circulation
512 野性海洋 [錄影資料] : 殺人鯨王國 = Ocean wilds : realm of the killer whales 389.75 4224 DVD N014197 AV for Circulation
513 海的彼端 [錄影資料] = After spring, the Tamaki Family 731.7889 4428 DVD N014200 AV for Circulation
514 馬雅各 [錄影資料] : 為台灣引進現代醫療的先驅=James Laidlaw Maxwell 733.79 4400-2 N012722 AV for Circulation
515 老鷹想飛 [錄影資料] 388.892 3322 DVD N014044 AV for Circulation
516 海洋商業帝國 [錄影資料] = Empire of th Sea 558.093 4603 DVD N014094 AV for Circulation
517 2011溫鹽環流影響全球海洋冰床和冰河融化 [錄影資料] = Burning questions in the freezing cold 351.961 2013 DVD N014165 AV for Circulation
518 2011 應用機器人收集海洋變化資訊 [錄影資料] = Sea change 351.91 2024 DVD N014166 AV for Circulation
519 極地之下 [錄影資料] : 極冰正在融化 = Deepsea under the pole / 727 6022 DVD N013934 AV for Circulation
520 安地斯山求生記 [錄影資料] = STRANDED: The Andes Plane Crash Survivors 557.909 7164 DVD N014202 AV for Circulation
521 惡食工廠 [錄影資料] = Fed up 412.37 4454 DVD N014203 AV for Circulation
522 太陽之子 [錄影資料] = Son Of The Sun 536.3361 3264 DVD N014466 AV for Circulation
523 加勒比海底世界 [錄影資料]= Jewels of the Caribbean 725.79 8663 N011366 AV for Circulation
524 鐵達尼號追緝錄 [錄影資料] 557.491 4047 DVD N013936 AV for Circulation
525 微光時代 [錄影資料] = 547.16 7212 DVD N014261 AV for Circulation
526 不即不離 [錄影資料] = Absent without Leave 577.2 0041 DVD N014260 AV for Circulation
527 夢想續航 [錄影資料] : 十年前太陽能車聚集逐夢的孩子 十年後他們滿載能量航向新世界 = For More Sun II 446.6 4037 DVD N014264 AV for Circulation
528 媽媽的味噌湯 [錄影資料] = はなちゃんのみそ汁 987.83 7248 DVD N014294 AV for Circulation
529 媽媽,晚餐吃什麼? [錄影資料] = ママ、ごはんまだ? 987.83 2112 DVD N014295 AV for Circulation
530 雞肉惹的禍 [錄影資料] = The trouble with chicken 412.37 4647 DVD N014296 AV for Circulation
531 築地市場 [錄影資料] : 和食之心:Tsukiji Wonderland 498.7 3494 DVD N014297 AV for Circulation
532 橫山家之味 [錄影資料]=. 歩いても 歩いても=. 橫山家の味 987.83 6432:1 N012724 AV for Circulation
533 台灣黑狗兄 [錄影資料] = Sock'n Roll 488 4662 DVD N014280 AV for Circulation
534 北海之藻 [錄影資料]=. The seaweeds of northern Taiwan 379.2 3125 N010620 AV for Circulation
535 海洋救援隊 [錄影資料] = Ocean rescue Australia 437.2 5050 DVD N014186 AV for Circulation
536 南海一號 [錄影資料] 798.9 7200 DVD N014212 AV for Circulation
537 大海怪 [錄影資料]= Sea monsters: search for the giant squid 386.795 8663 N011365 AV for Circulation
538 殺人浪 [錄影資料]= Tsunami: the killer waves 351.9791 8663 N011396 AV for Circulation
539 打造極地阿拉斯加 [錄影資料] = Building extreme Alaska 752.78 4444 DVD N014185 AV for Circulation
540 深海巨神 [錄影資料] = Sperm whales : titans of the deep 389.74 7714 DVD N014187 AV for Circulation
541 2009 吉里巴斯面臨氣候變化撤離家園難題 [錄影資料] 351.93 4010 DVD N014163 AV for Circulation
542 2011 湄公河建水庫發電環保與經濟爭議 [錄影資料] 443.6438 4440 DVD N014164 AV for Circulation
543 Pompell-the last day [videorecording] = 龐貝古城的末日 759.93 P772 N012276 AV for Circulation
544 印度帝國 [錄影資料] = Empires of India : 呼風喚雨叱吒印度三百餘年的蒙兀兒王朝. 737 8663 N012285 AV for Circulation
545 自然的蛻變 [錄影資料] : 生命的演化,猶如一場豐富的饗宴. 380 8663-2 N012296 AV for Circulation
546 非洲古文明 [錄影資料] : 前進非洲蠻荒地帶尋找傳說中的黃金國度 = Africa's forgotten kingdom 799.96 8663 N012286 AV for Circulation
547 悅讀 [錄影資料] : 紐約公共圖書館 = Ex Libris : New York Public Library 026.352 9046 DVD N014437 AV for Circulation
548 播種的旅人 [錄影資料] : 農之茶 987.83 7723 DVD N014386 AV for Circulation
549 從廣島到福島 [錄影資料] = From Hiroshima to Fukushima 449.83 2759 DVD N014445 AV for Circulation
550 英雄本色2018 [錄影資料] = A better tomorrow 2018 987.83 1060:1 DVD N014449 AV for Circulation
551 青春後空翻 [錄影資料] = チアダン 987.83 3818 DVD N014451 AV for Circulation
552 翻滾吧! 男人 [錄影資料] = Jump! men 528.93 4407-1 DVD N014455 AV for Circulation
553 與神同行 [錄影資料] = 신과함께 = Along with the Gods : the two worlds 987.83 8034 DVD N014454 AV for Circulation
554 天.地.人 [錄影資料] 536.3365 3264 DVD N014457 AV for Circulation
555 聲之形 電影版 [錄影資料] = The shape of voice 987.85 2691 DVD N014459 AV for Circulation
556 Free!男子游泳部 [錄影資料] = Timeless medley 987.85 3392 DVD N014465 AV for Circulation
557 潺潺流水 [錄影資料] : 臺灣農田水利紀實 434.257 4825 DVD N015162 AV for Circulation
558 街角的記憶 : 區域型文化資產環境保存及活化計畫 541.27 3488 DVD N015164 AV for Circulation
559 姐姐的私廚 [錄影資料] = Eating women 987.83 2683 DVD N015250 AV for Circulation
560 小偷家族 [錄影資料] = Shoplifter 987.83 6432:1-1 DVD N015249 AV for Circulation
561 來自大海的男人 [錄影資料] 987.83 3661 DVD N015252 AV for Circulation
562 馬拉松武士 [錄影資料] = サムライマラソン 987.83 1042 DVD N015251 AV for Circulation
563 我的爸爸是壞蛋冠軍 [錄影資料] : My Dad is a Heel Wrestler 987.83 4401 DVD N015255 AV for Circulation
564 大聲點笨蛋! 完全不知道你在唱什麼 [錄影資料] = Louder! Can't hear what you're singin', wimp! 987.83 1416-1 DVD N015256 AV for Circulation
565 飛上天空的輪胎 [錄影資料] = Recall 987.83 4444 DVD N015253 AV for Circulation
566 退而不休 [錄影資料] = Life in overtime 987.83 5625 DVD N015254 AV for Circulation
567 1980光州事變 [錄影資料] = 임을 위한 행진곡 987.83 4343 DVD N015257 AV for Circulation
568 刺殺行動 [錄影資料] = 26years 987.83 4947 DVD N015258 AV for Circulation
569 閱讀時光 [錄影資料] = Are we dust in the wind 987.83 1094 N015352 AV for Circulation
570 食安的代價 [錄影資料] : The price of progress 411.3 2853 N015382 AV for Circulation
571 風櫃來的人 = The boys from Fengkuei 987.83 2747-1 N015437 AV for Circulation
572 翻供 [錄影資料] = Innocence = 결백 987.83 4397 N015438 AV for Circulation
573 觸控 [錄影資料] = Touch 987.83 7782 N015365 AV for Circulation
574 神殿 [錄影資料] = Sacred forest 436.133 4183 N015435 AV for Circulation
575 那個做對事的人自殺了 [錄影資料] = Day and night 987.83 4538 N015436 AV for Circulation
576 海洋鮮聞 [錄影資料] = Ocean TV 351.9 3347-1 N015444 AV for Circulation
577 GOOGLE任務 [錄影資料] : 世界之腦 028.2 6764 N015385 AV for Circulation
578 台灣綠能發展與環境衝擊 [錄影資料] 554.68 7543 N015387 AV for Circulation
579 1%的存在 [錄影資料] 312.983 4422 N015445 AV for Circulation
580 AI未來的希望和恐慌 [錄影資料] = The AI race. 312.83 5424 N015395 AV for Circulation
581 創意未來 [錄影資料] = Creative future 541.49 5560 N015389 AV for Circulation
582 鯨與象 [錄影資料] = The rescuer 445.986 1114 N015601 AV for Circulation
583 藻礁之聲 [錄影資料] 358.58 1769 N015600 AV for Circulation
584 男人與他的海 [錄影資料] = Whale Island 351.9 4442 N015615 AV for Circulation
585 Coral reef survivors [videorecording] = 珊瑚礁裡的倖存者 |qDVD577.789 C81 N015632 AV for Circulation
586 臺灣吧文化記憶 [錄影資料]. 地方認同篇 = Taiwan bar 733.4 4036 N015639 AV for Circulation
587 臺灣吧文化記憶 [錄影資料]. 歷史文化篇&生態保育篇 = Taiwan bar 733.4 4036-1 N015638 AV for Circulation
588 盡孝的滋味 [錄影資料] = The wandering chef 193 4358 N015649 AV for Circulation
589 為海洋生態種樹的漁夫 [錄影資料] = The fisherman and the forest 445.96 6503 N015738 AV for Circulation
590 如果海有明天 [錄影資料] 351.9 8881 N015739 AV for Circulation
591 與海豚的約定 [錄影資料] 389.75 8881 N015743 AV for Circulation
592 捕鰻的人 [錄影資料] = The catch 438.661 0854 N015759 AV for Circulation
593 狂熱果粉的哲學思考 [錄影資料] = Apple, the Tyrannical Rule of Cool 448.845 0018 N015767 AV for Circulation
594 極限冒險 [錄影資料] = Adventure to the extreme 993.95 4767 N015772 AV for Circulation
595 潛入隱沒帶 [錄影資料]= Signal from the Deep Sea 351.9 7229 N015777 AV for Circulation
596 一粒種子 [錄影資料] : 楊儒門日記 = Growth with hope 434.11 4411 N015778 AV for Circulation
597 天鵝的消失之謎 [錄影資料] = Swans : mystery of the missing 367.7 4344 N015781 AV for Circulation
598 科學少女 = S-girl 987.83 4469 N015827 AV for Circulation
599 梅莉 [錄影資料] = Mary's merry marriage 194 0094 N015830 AV for Circulation
600 達人嬉遊記 : 大海教室 : 花蓮 [錄影資料] |dDVD389.7 1120 N015868 AV for Circulation
601 自然小學堂. II: 海底奇幻樂園 [錄影資料] |dDVD366.98 5580 N015866 AV for Circulation
602 自然小學堂. II: 愛上藍色珊瑚礁 [錄影資料] 366.98 5580-1 N015867 AV for Circulation
603 海岸群像 [錄影資料]= Face by Intertidal 438.26 4183 N015871 AV for Circulation
604 白色珊瑚海 [錄影資料] = The white coral sea 445.99 4183 N015878 AV for Circulation
605 眼不見不為淨 [錄影資料] = Matter out of place 367.46 4412 N015879 AV for Circulation
606 認識細菌 [錄影資料]=. Understanding : bacteria 369.4 3826 N010073 AV for Circulation
607 Big history [videorecording] = 大歷史 : 生命地圖 909 B48 DVD N014309 AV for Circulation
608 Hope for hurting hearts [videorecording] = 希望的力量 248.866 H771 DVD N013776 AV for Circulation
609 愛莉絲夢遊奇境 [錄影資料] = Alice in Wonderland 987.85 2424 N006580 AV for Circulation
610 仙履奇緣 [錄影資料] = Cinderella 987.85 2742 N006553 AV for Circulation
611 木偶奇遇記 [錄影資料]= Pinocchio 987.85 4243 N006582 AV for Circulation
612 New Year's concert 2002 [videorecording]= 2002年維也納新年音樂會-小澤征爾指揮 784.2184 Oz1n N008651 AV for Circulation
613 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonies No. 2 & 5 [videorecording]= 貝多芬第二&第五號交響曲-阿巴多指揮 784.2 B393l N008671 AV for Circulation
614 Feet of Flames [videorecording] = 火焰之舞 793.319415 F321 N007500 AV for Circulation
615 探測木星 [錄影資料]= ON JUPITER 323.35 8376 N008278 AV for Circulation
616 美女與野獸 [錄影資料] : 豹的故事 = BEAUTY & THE BEASTS : A LEOPARD'S STORY 389.818 8663 N008265 AV for Circulation
617 埃及 [錄影資料] : 永恆之路 = Egypt : quest for eternity 761.9 8663 N008260 AV for Circulation
618 超視覺世界 [錄影資料]= The invisible world 954 8663 N008261 AV for Circulation
619 彗星撞擊 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : impact 323.6 8376 N008276 AV for Circulation
620 蒼穹尋奇 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : heavens above 323.4 8376 N008282 AV for Circulation
621 浴火重生 [錄影資料]= Born of fire 354 8663 N008259 AV for Circulation
622 情同手足黑猩猩 [錄影資料]= Among the wild chimpanzees 389.97 8663 N008257 AV for Circulation
623 地震 [錄影資料] : Raging planet ; earthquake 354.4 8376 N008272 AV for Circulation
624 雨林 [錄影資料]= Rain forest 756.82 8663 N008258 AV for Circulation
625 星際探巡 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : edge of darkness 320 8376 N008279 AV for Circulation
626 火災 [錄影資料]= Ranging planet. fire 367.28 8376 N008273 AV for Circulation
627 登陸火星 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : space trek 323.33 8376 N008283 AV for Circulation
628 象族 [錄影資料]= REFLECTIONS ON ELEPHANTS 389.84 8663 N008266 AV for Circulation
629 尋訪外星人 [錄影資料]= Solar empire : alien neighbors 326.96 8376 N008280 AV for Circulation
630 火山爆發 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : volcano 354.1 8376 N008271 AV for Circulation
631 重返喜馬拉雅山 [錄影資料]= Return to Everest 730.832 8663 N008263 AV for Circulation
632 颶風 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : hurricanes 328.55 8376 N008268 AV for Circulation
633 宇宙之旅 [錄影資料]= Wonders of the universe : The infinite quest 323.9 8376 N008267 AV for Circulation
634 龍捲風 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : tornadoes 328.56 8376 N008269 AV for Circulation
635 Les miserables [videorecording]= 悲慘世界:音樂劇, 十週年紀念演唱會 : the musical that swept the world in concert 782.1 M687 N008477 AV for Circulation
636 醫療生技大思維 [錄影資料] = The big idea of biomedical technology. 410 7025:1 N014483 AV for Circulation
637 將相浮沉錄 [錄影資料] : 毛澤東 ; 鄧小平 782.886 8036 N009512 AV for Circulation
638 Biobasics [videorecording] 570 B52 N009698 AV for Circulation
639 The NBA's 100 greatest plays [videorecording]= NBA百大戰事封神榜 796.323 N213 N009535 AV for Circulation
640 Michael Jordan, his airness [videorecording]= 麥可喬丹之空中傳奇 796.323 M582 N009534 AV for Circulation
641 Geology 1 [videorecording] 551 G292 N009643 AV for Circulation
642 Learn world geography [videorecording] 910 G292 N009646 AV for Circulation
643 西洋藝術大師專輯 [錄影資料] = Great artist 949.44817 N012607 AV for Circulation
644 Wit [videorecording] 791.4372 W77 N012215 AV for Circulation
645 Slam [videorecording] 791.4372 Sl12 N012216 AV for Circulation
646 Poetry in motion [videorecording] 811.08 P752 N012258 AV for Circulation
647 Sarah Brightman symphony : live in Vienna [videorecording] = 莎拉布萊曼 : 真愛傳奇 780.4279494 B768a N012615 AV for Circulation
648 Multimedia Fluid Mechanic [videorecording] 620.106 M919|e2007 N012332 AV for Circulation
649 與象共舞 [錄影資料] : 一段與非洲象的親密對話 = Coming of Age with Elephants 548.38 8663-1 N012294 AV for Circulation
650 象族 [錄影資料] : 發現非洲象群自在遨遊的生活 = Reflections on Elephants 389.84 8663|e2000 N012307 AV for Circulation
651 非洲歷險 [錄影資料] : 沙漠中揚起一首生態保育的悲壯史詩 = African odyssey 548.38 8663 N012305 AV for Circulation
652 南亞海嘯 [錄影資料] : 生死一瞬間 = Tsunami : the race for survival 351.9791 4013 N012643 AV for Circulation
653 故宫琺瑯之美 [錄影資料] : 鏤金錯釆碧琅玕 = The beauty of enamelware 796.9 1180 N009959 AV for Circulation
654 大汗的世紀 [錄影資料] : 蒙元時代的書畫藝術 = Age of the Great Khan : painting and calligraphy in the Mongo Yuan dynasty 940.9057 4414 N009957 AV for Circulation
655 書畵大観園 [錄影資料]=. A great garden of Chinese painting and calligraphy 940 7724 N009963 AV for Circulation
656 故宫書畵菁華 [錄影資料]=. Obras maestras de pintura y caligrafía Chinas del Museo Nacional del Palacio 941 1180-1 N009960 AV for Circulation
657 佛經附圖 [錄影資料] : 蔵漢藝術小品 = Convergence of radiance : Tibeto-Chinese buddhist scripture illustrations from the collection of the National Palace Museum 220.7 4414 N009956 AV for Circulation
658 時新vs.復古 [錄影資料] : 清代時樣及仿古玉器 = The fashionable vs. the antiquarian : new stylesand archaic forms in jade during the Ch'ing dynasty 794.4 8653 N009955 AV for Circulation
659 Century disasters [videorecording] = 世紀大災難 909.82 C333 N012815 AV for Circulation
660 臺灣的歷史 : 戰後與二二八事件 [錄影資料] = The history of Taiwan : postwar era and the 228 incident 1945-1949 733.2913 4065 N012757 AV for Circulation
661 逹爾文之島 [錄影資料]=. Galapagos : Beyond Darwin 362.1 4014 N010029 AV for Circulation
662 萬獣之王 [錄影資料]=. Wild discovery : the lion's share 389.818 4144 N010031 AV for Circulation
663 暴龍 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide : T-Rex 359.57 7442 N010023 AV for Circulation
664 馴鹿返鄉 [錄影資料]=. Wild discovery. return of the Caribou 389.885 1144 N010028 AV for Circulation
665 落磯山天然竒景 [錄影資料]=. Natural Wonders 752.77 2442 N010030 AV for Circulation
666 熊之家族 [錄影資料]=. Gears 389.813 4041 N010027 AV for Circulation
667 動物之最 [錄影資料]=. Natural born winners 380 4444 N010042 AV for Circulation
668 偉大建築 [錄影資料] : 直入天際 = Super structures of America : reach for the sky 441 4430 N010065 AV for Circulation
669 阿拉斯加野生動物 [錄影資料]=. Alaskan wild 389.82 4444 N010057 AV for Circulation
670 真正的夏娃 [錄影資料] : 人類起源 = The Real Eve 390 5535 N010046 AV for Circulation
671 基礎生物學 [錄影資料]: Biology Essentials |pVCD360 4247 N010373 AV for Circulation
672 眼鏡蛇 [錄影資料]=. Cobra : the king of snakes 388.797 6028 N010033 AV for Circulation
673 雨林中的傳奇 [錄影資料] : Spirits of the rainforest 383.5 2444 N010053 AV for Circulation
674 蛇類竒観 [錄影資料]=. Snakes 388.796 7941 N010032 AV for Circulation
675 蛇之眼 [錄影資料]=. Eye of the serpent 388.796 4054 N010036 AV for Circulation
676 偉大建築 [錄影資料] : 改變地界 = Super structures of America : Thinking big 441 4430-1 N010066 AV for Circulation
677 忠實伴侣 [錄影資料]=. Dogs 437.66 2444 N010090 AV for Circulation
678 弱肉強食 [錄影資料]=. Hunters : the deadly game 367.6 4054 N010039 AV for Circulation
679 鱷魚伏撃 [錄影資料]=. Dawn of the dragons 388.793 4054 N010035 AV for Circulation
680 Practical accident investigation [videorecording] 665.5385 P881 N010131 AV for Circulation
681 大猩猩 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide. great apes 389.97 4445 N010412 AV for Circulation
682 終極噴射機 [錄影資料]=. future wing 3 : mega jets 447.9 4464-1 N010405 AV for Circulation
683 認識病毒 [錄影資料]=. understanding : viruses 369.74 8376 N010074 AV for Circulation
684 野狼撲撃 [錄影資料]=. Hunters : The savage pack 389.818 4054-1 N010034 AV for Circulation
685 氷河紀動物 [錄影資料]=. Ice age survivors 359.5 1094 N010062 AV for Circulation
686 昆蟲王國 [錄影資料]=. The crawling kingdom 387.7 4054 N010038 AV for Circulation
687 大象 [錄影資料]=. Elephants 389.84 1721 N010413 AV for Circulation
688 掠食者 [錄影資料]=. Hunters : tooth and claw 389.818 4054 N010041 AV for Circulation
689 海豚世界 [錄影資料]=. Dolphins 389.75 4445 N010091 AV for Circulation
690 空氣之海 [錄影資料]=. Oceans of air 328.8 5142 N010061 AV for Circulation
691 太空飛行器 [錄影資料]=. future wings 4 : space planes 447.9 4464-2 N010406 AV for Circulation
692 北極熊 [錄影資料]=. Wild Discovery-Polar Bears:Shadows on The Ice 389.813 1211 N010063 AV for Circulation
693 貓科動物 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide : big cats 389.818 4042 N010093 AV for Circulation
694 登陸越南 [錄影資料]=. Wings II : Landing zone in Vietnam 598.61 6033 N010419 AV for Circulation
695 地底隧道 [錄影資料]=. Tunnels : digging in 441.9 3064 N010068 AV for Circulation
696 偉大橋樑 [錄影資料]=. Bridges : reaching out] 441.8 3064 N010067 AV for Circulation
697 認識飛行 [錄影資料]=. understanding : flight 447.5 2151 N010408 AV for Circulation
698 瞄凖柏林 [錄影資料]=. Wings II : Target Berlin 598.61 3024-1 N010417 AV for Circulation
699 海底任務 [錄影資料]=. Hunter and hunted 597.36 4044 N010077 AV for Circulation
700 大腦演化 [錄影資料]=. The brain : our universe within evolution 394.91 3841 N010076 AV for Circulation
701 猛禽大観 [錄影資料]=. The ultimate guide : birds of prey 388.892 0042 N010092 AV for Circulation
702 非洲霊猿 [錄影資料]=. people of the forest 389.9 5054 N010052 AV for Circulation
703 偵詧機 [錄影資料]=. Wings II : Spy plane 598.61 2730 N010418 AV for Circulation
704 與狼共舞 [錄影資料]=. Wolves at our door 389.818 4481 N010084 AV for Circulation
705 科莫多龍 [錄影資料]=. Wild discovery : Dragons of Komodo 388.792 4464 N010051 AV for Circulation
706 基因的祕密 [錄影資料]=. Discovery Magazine : Genetics 363.9 4024 N010072 AV for Circulation
707 遺傳基因 [錄影資料]=. Making babies : genetically correct 363 4467 N010071 AV for Circulation
708 與鯨共舞 [錄影資料]=. in the company of whales 389.7 4377 N010082 AV for Circulation
709 末日行動 [錄影資料]=. Wings II. doomsday mission 598.61 3024 N010415 AV for Circulation
710 海中覇王 [錄影資料] : Hunters : rulers of the deep 388.591 4054 N010048 AV for Circulation
711 摩天大樓 [錄影資料]=. Skycrapers : going up 441.3 3064 N010069 AV for Circulation
712 灰鯨遷移 [錄影資料]=. secrets of the deep II : whales of the pacific northwest 389.76 4027 N010081 AV for Circulation
713 Onboard pollution response [videorecording] : be your best, prepare for the worst 386.05 M872 N010132 AV for Circulation
714 基本安全系列 [錄影資料] / |pVCD528.39 3683 N010375 AV for Circulation
715 Planet earth The climate puzzle [videorecording] 550 P693 N010168 AV for Circulation
716 Planet earth [videorecording] : gifts from the Earth 550 P693 N010169 AV for Circulation
717 Successful hiring [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010175 AV for Circulation
718 Bunkering operations [videorecording] : safe oil transfer procedures. 386.05 M872 N010139 AV for Circulation
719 Internal care of marine boilers [videorecording] 665.5385 T737|e1984 N010204 AV for Circulation
720 Drug and alcohol awareness for the maritime employee [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010124 AV for Circulation
721 The LNG carrier steam plant tutor [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010229 AV for Circulation
722 STCW compliance [videorecording] : a common sense approach 386.05 M872 N010158 AV for Circulation
723 Portable tanks & tank containers [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010252 AV for Circulation
724 Ship stability [videorecording] 665.5385 Sh64 N010182 AV for Circulation
725 The handling & treatment of heavy fuels [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010201 AV for Circulation
726 Bunkering operations [videorecording] : safe oil transfer procedures 665.5385 T737 N010274 AV for Circulation
727 Ro-Ro safety and operations (part one) [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010249 AV for Circulation
728 Harem : the Sarah Brightman special : a desert fantasy [videorecording] = 莎拉布莱曼 - 一千零一夜 780.4279494 B768b N012866 AV for Circulation
729 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 1 [videorecording] : the oil spill 665.5385 T737 N010211 AV for Circulation
730 Crude oil washing operations [videorecording] : 665.5385 T737 N010230 AV for Circulation
731 Successful termination [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010176 AV for Circulation
732 Enclosed space entry [videorecording] : rescue drill procedures. 386.05 M872 N010137 AV for Circulation
733 ISPS & MTSA training series [videorecording] : security equipment. 658.47 M872 N010004 AV for Circulation
734 Marine vapor control operations [videorecording]. 387.51 C128 N010133 AV for Circulation
735 World climate and landscapes [videorecording]. 551.6 W893 N010177 AV for Circulation
736 Fire drill [videorecording] : prevent-prepare-practice. 386.05 M872 N010141 AV for Circulation
737 Seafarer's manual [electronic resource] : manual on operational requirements for seafarers. 665.5385 Se12 N010180 AV for Circulation
738 Boiling point [videorecording] : the global climate crisis 551.6 W893 N010178 AV for Circulation
739 IMO [videorecording] : safer shipping and cleaner oceans = OMI : Une navigation plus sûre et des oceáns plus propres = OMI : una navegación más segura y un mar más limpio. K4150 .I58 1993 N010181 AV for Circulation
740 Access control [videorecording] : threat awareness and prevention. 386.05 M872 N010001 AV for Circulation
741 Preventing sexual harassment [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010173 AV for Circulation
742 Reefer container operations [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010253 AV for Circulation
743 Enclosed space entry [videorecording] : enclosed space entry. 386.05 M872 N010138 AV for Circulation
744 Security search techniques [videorecording] : personnel. 386.05 M872 N010166 AV for Circulation
745 大象之后 [錄影資料]=. Queen of the elephant 389.84 2224 N010414 AV for Circulation
746 Clearing the air : a guide to a smoke free workplace [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010125 AV for Circulation
747 U.S.port state control [videorecording] : shipshape & inspection ready. 386.05 M872 N010157 AV for Circulation
748 Security now! [videorecording] : the assessment. 386.05 M872 N010006 AV for Circulation
749 Slip, trip and fall avoidance in the offshore oil and maritime industries [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010151 AV for Circulation
750 ISPS & MTSA training series [videorecording] : emergency preparedness, drills, exercises abd search procedures. 658.47 M872 N010002 AV for Circulation
751 ISPS & MTSA training series [videorecording] : security training. 658.47 M872 N010164 AV for Circulation
752 Security search techniques [videorecording] : accommodation. 386.05 M872 N010009 AV for Circulation
753 Security search techniques [videorecording] : ship's stores. 386.05 M872 N010165 AV for Circulation
754 Fire in port [videorecording] : the ship-shore interface. 386.05 M872 N010140 AV for Circulation
755 長毛象重見天日 [錄影資料]=. Raising the mammoth 389.84 7255 N010059 AV for Circulation
756 Ship security officer [videorecording] : duties and responsibilities 386.05 M872 N010163 AV for Circulation
757 Planet earth. v. 1, The living machine [videorecording] 550 P693 N010167 AV for Circulation
758 Stowaways [videorecording] : a new view on prenention. 386.05 M872 N010162 AV for Circulation
759 Security search techniques [videorecording] : Baggage. 386.05 M872 N010010 AV for Circulation
760 Security now! [videorecording] : from plan to action. 386.05 M872 N010005 AV for Circulation
761 長毛象國度 [錄影資料]=. Land of the mammoth 389.84 7255-1 N010058 AV for Circulation
762 Preventing sexual harassment [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010174 AV for Circulation
763 神秘大沼澤 [錄影資料]=. The big wet 367.883 1046 N010045 AV for Circulation
764 The ADA and disability law [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010172 AV for Circulation
765 美國國家公園 [錄影資料]=. America's great parks 752.6 4234 N010050 AV for Circulation
766 甲板起降 [錄影資料]=. Wings II : Hugging the deck 598.61 6033-1 N010416 AV for Circulation
767 飛行坦克 [錄影資料]=. Wings II : The flying tank 598.61 2730-1 N010420 AV for Circulation
768 Ro-Ro safety and cargo operations [videorecording] 665.5385 T737|e1989 N010248 AV for Circulation
769 Fire party operations [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010265 AV for Circulation
770 Bulk carrier safeguards [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010261 AV for Circulation
771 Good bunkering practice [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010273 AV for Circulation
772 Over and under pressurisation of tanks [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010240 AV for Circulation
773 Diesel engine crankcase lubricating oil [videorecording] : treatment and analysis. 665.5385 T737 N010200 AV for Circulation
774 Electrical installation [videorecording] : installing cables. 665.5385 T737 N010295 AV for Circulation
775 Cargo lashing operations (Ro-Ro) [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010250 AV for Circulation
776 Basic bunkering - part 2 [vidoerecording] : technical. 665.5385 T737 N010276 AV for Circulation
777 Fire fighting and safe cargo operations of car carriers [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010256 AV for Circulation
778 Safety in offshore operations [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010207 AV for Circulation
779 Tanker practices series - part 1 [vidoerecording] : pumping cargo 1 665.5385 T737 N010235 AV for Circulation
780 Personal injury prevention [videorecording] : building a safety culture 386.05 M872 N009898 AV for Circulation
781 Electrical installation [videorecording] : cable trunking & trays. 665.5385 T737 N010294 AV for Circulation
782 Ship handing in restricted waters [videorecording] : ship sauat and shallow water effects. 665.5385 T737 N010186 AV for Circulation
783 Personal survival [videorecording] 386.05 M872 N009902 AV for Circulation
784 Fuel oil burner theory and diagnostics [videorecording]. 387.51 C128 N010284 AV for Circulation
785 Safe packing and securement of cargo in ereight containers and vehicles [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010216 AV for Circulation
786 Being prepared-"Getting ready for survey" - part 3 [vidoerecording] : safety construction survey. 665.5385 T737 N010190 AV for Circulation
787 Oily water separators [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010233 AV for Circulation
788 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 4 [videorecording] : shore line clean-up 665.5385 T737 N010214 AV for Circulation
789 Being prepared-"Getting ready for survey" - part 2 [vidoerecording] : safety construction survey. 665.5385 T737 N010189 AV for Circulation
790 Microbial problems in fuels [videorecording] VM749 .I673 N010202 AV for Circulation
791 Tanker practices series - part 4 [vidoerecording] : heating cargo. 665.5385 T737 N010238 AV for Circulation
792 Chemical tanker operations - part 2 [vidoerecording] : prevention of pollution. 665.5385 T737 N010246 AV for Circulation
793 Coupling alignment techniques [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010288 AV for Circulation
794 Diesel fuel injection pumps [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010203 AV for Circulation
795 Safe use of cranes in the offshore industry [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010209 AV for Circulation
796 Tanker practices series - part 3 [vidoerecording] : tank cleaning. 665.5385 T737 N010237 AV for Circulation
797 Marpol [videorecording]. 387.51 C128 N010270 AV for Circulation
798 Fire fighting on container ships [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010254 AV for Circulation
799 An introduction to chemical tankers [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010244 AV for Circulation
800 Welding safety [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010206 AV for Circulation
801 Tanker practices series - part 5 [vidoerecording] : measuring cargo. 665.5385 T737 N010239 AV for Circulation
802 Basic fire tighting [videorecording] 386.05 M872 N009899 AV for Circulation
803 Cleaning water tube boilers [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010282 AV for Circulation
804 IMO e-learning [electronic resource] : a course for marine accident & incident investigators. 665.5385 In8 N010179 AV for Circulation
805 Chemical water treatment [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010283 AV for Circulation
806 Centrifugal pumps [videorecording] : theory and operation. 665.5385 T737 N010232 AV for Circulation
807 Operation and maintenance of inert gas systems [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010231 AV for Circulation
808 Electrical installation [videorecording] : conduite. 665.5385 T737 N010293 AV for Circulation
809 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 3 [videorecording] : the use of dispersants 665.5385 T737 N010213 AV for Circulation
810 Onboard first aid: immediate actions [videorecording] : a video training program based on S.T.C.W. requirments 386.05 M872 N009901 AV for Circulation
811 Offshore anchor handing [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010208 AV for Circulation
812 Prevention and reaction to marine oil spills [videorecording] : seafarer's role. 665.5385 T737 N010267 AV for Circulation
813 Chemical tanker operations - part 1 [vidoerecording] : cargoes, ships and leaislation. 665.5385 T737 N010245 AV for Circulation
814 Prevention and reaction to marine oil spills under OPA 90 [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010268 AV for Circulation
815 Mooring operations (Ro-Ro) [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010251 AV for Circulation
816 Ship handing in restricted waters [videorecording] : bank effect and interaction between two ships. 665.5385 T737 N010187 AV for Circulation
817 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 5 [videorecording] : planning and operatons 665.5385 T737 N010215 AV for Circulation
818 Electrical installation [videorecording] : serving a motor & starter. 665.5385 T737 N010225 AV for Circulation
819 Electrical installation [videorecording] : inspection & testing. 665.5385 T737 N010224 AV for Circulation
820 Electrical installation [videorecording] : terminating cables. 665.5385 T737 N010296 AV for Circulation
821 Hull stress monitoring [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010258 AV for Circulation
822 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 2 [videorecording] : containment and recovery 665.5385 T737 N010212 AV for Circulation
823 財經英文 [錄影資料]=. Finance English 805.1 8678 N010113 AV for Circulation
824 Bridge procedures and bridge resource management - pt.4 [videorecording] : accident prevention - the human factor. 665.5385 T737 N010183 AV for Circulation
825 Basic marine lubrication - part 3 [vidoerecording] : lubrication of ancillary equinment. 665.5385 T737 N010199 AV for Circulation
826 Being prepared-"Getting ready for survey" - part 1 [vidoerecording] : loadine survey. 665.5385 T737 N010188 AV for Circulation
827 Basic bunkering - part 3 [vidoerecording] : Operations. 665.5385 T737 N010277 AV for Circulation
828 Underwater electrical safety [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010210 AV for Circulation
829 Tanker practices series - part 2 [vidoerecording] : pumping cargo 2 665.5385 T737 N010236 AV for Circulation
830 從空中看地球 [錄影資料]. 第二季=. Earth from above 367.4 1377 N012913 AV for Circulation
831 工程大突破 [錄影資料]. [2] : 香港新機場 = Extreme engineering : building Hong Kong's airport 440 1243 N012942 AV for Circulation
832 建築奇觀 [錄影資料] : 大馬國油雙塔 = Man Made Marvels Petronas Towers 923.386 1251 N012924 AV for Circulation
833 建築奇觀 [錄影資料] : HII-A太空火箭 447.961 1251 N012928 AV for Circulation
834 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (1), 氣候 308 4014 N012959 AV for Circulation
835 工程大突破 [錄影資料]. [1] : 東京空中之城 = Extreme engineering : Tokyo sky city 440 1243 N012941 AV for Circulation
836 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 3.. 以客為尊,創造更大利基!=. CEO exchange. 3 494.21 4604 N012410 AV for Circulation
837 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [4] : 身體/疼痛 = One step Beyond the Body/Pain 308 2728 N012402 AV for Circulation
838 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [5] : 秘密/奇人異事 = One Step Beyond Secrets/Bizarre 308 2728 N012403 AV for Circulation
839 舞王 [錄影資料] : 都柏林現場實况 = Michael Flatley : Lord Of The Dance 976 5542 N009992 AV for Circulation
840 建築奇觀 [錄影資料] : 台北101大樓 = Man made marvels : Taipei 101 441.407 1251 N012926 AV for Circulation
841 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (3), 地形 308 4014 N012971 AV for Circulation
842 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 7.. 這就是你的生活,放遠未來!=. CEO exchange. 7 494.21 4604 N012414 AV for Circulation
843 Over-exploiting the oceans [videorecording] = 海洋的過度開發: 危險的過度捕撈 : the dangers of over-fishing 333.95611 Ov2 DVD N013243 AV for Circulation
844 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 9.. 發揮創意,讓生活更好!=. CEO exchange. 9 494.21 4604 N012416 AV for Circulation
845 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 8.. 獨特創見的CEO,如何吸引合適之才?=. CEO exchange. 8 494.21 4604 N012415 AV for Circulation
846 桃園市政建設簡介 [錄影資料]=. An introduction to the urban development projects of Taoyuan ciry government 678.411 4621 N010472 AV for Circulation
847 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (2), 水資源 308 4014 N012962 AV for Circulation
848 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 4.. 旗開得勝!掌握運動行銷策略,贏取顧客!=. CEO exchange. 4 494.21 4604 N012411 AV for Circulation
849 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [3] : 超自然體驗/精神力 = One Step Beyond Supernatural/Mind Power 308 2728 N012401 AV for Circulation
850 維也納1900 [錄影資料]=. Vienne 1900 744.171 2042 N012441 AV for Circulation
851 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [1] : 生存本能/恐懼 = One Step Beyond Survival/Fear 308 2728 N012399 AV for Circulation
852 科學向前衝 [錄影資料]. [2] : 超人/極限世界 = One Step Beyond Superhumans/Extreme 308 2728 N012400 AV for Circulation
853 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 1.. 嶄新的一天,全錄與可口可樂活力再現!=. CEO exchange. 1 494.21 4604 N012408 AV for Circulation
854 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 5.. 為世界補給與加油,讓地球有更健康的抉擇!=. CEO exchange. 5 494.21 4604 N012412 AV for Circulation
855 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 6.. 散發光采,讓你更好看!=. CEO exchange. 6 494.21 4604 N012413 AV for Circulation
856 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 2.. 保障未來-電腦世代的英雄與惡徒=. CEO exchange. 2 494.21 4604 N012409 AV for Circulation
857 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 10.. 創造趨勢,打造未來!=. CEO exchange. 10 494.21 4604 N012417 AV for Circulation
858 動物聲樂交響曲 [錄影資料]=. The animal symphony 380 4802 N014551 AV for Circulation
859 Fate of the oceans [videorecording] = 海洋的宿命 : 全球魚類生態浩劫探索 : part 1, Plundering the oceans 639.2 F268 DVD N013240 AV for Circulation
860 Global warming [videorecording] = 全球暖化: 什麼是事實,什麼是宣傳 : what's truth and what's propaganda? 363.73874 G51 DVD N013244 AV for Circulation
861 Towards a greener future [videorecording] = 建立一個綠色的未來/環境方案 628 T65 DVD N013245 AV for Circulation
862 星球的誕生 [錄影資料]=. Solar empire : a star is born 323.2 8376 N013001 AV for Circulation
863 Fate of the oceans [videorecording] = 海洋的宿命 : 全球魚類生態浩劫探索 : part 2 Protecting the ocenas 639.2 F268 DVD N013241 AV for Circulation
864 Soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering [electronic resource] : challenges and solutions |pCD624.151 So34 N013534 AV for Circulation
865 Global dimming [videorecording] = 地球黯化 551.5253 G51 N014577 AV for Circulation
866 Hydrogen Hawaií [videorecording] 669.9 H995 N013013 AV for Circulation
867 Sedimentary rocks [videorecording] 551.3 Se28 N010669 AV for Circulation
868 Forces that shape our earth [videorecording]. 551.3 F748 N010660 AV for Circulation
869 Introduction to rocks and minerals [videorecording]. 551.3 In8 N010667 AV for Circulation
870 Geologic time [videorecording] 551.3 G552 N010670 AV for Circulation
871 Earthquakes [videorecording] : how they are measured 551.3 Ea76 N010668 AV for Circulation
872 Marpol Annex VI - Prevention of Air pollution from ships [videorecording] 341.7623 M347 DVD N013477 AV for Circulation
873 Metamorphic rocks [videorecording]. 551.3 M564 N010671 AV for Circulation
874 Gerald Durrell [videorecording] = 現代諾亞 - 杜瑞爾 : The man who build the Ark 591.0924 D938 B777 N011001 AV for Circulation
875 Hot jam in the doughnut [videorecording] = 超級熱核反應實驗 539.764 H797 N011002 AV for Circulation
876 巡洋戰艦 [錄影資料]=. Battleships 597.62 3362 N011281 AV for Circulation
877 認識時間 [錄影資料]=. Understanding: time 327.5 0067 N011275 AV for Circulation
878 臺灣當代影像 [錄影資料]. 1997, 馬躍.比吼 天堂小孩=. Children in heaven / 1999, 蕭美玲 斷線風箏=. The falling kite (Au bout du cerf-volant) 733.4 4392 N011083 AV for Circulation
879 認識電力 [錄影資料]=. Understanding IV: electricity 448.003 0014 N011360 AV for Circulation
880 戰艦指揮 [錄影資料]=. Fleet command 597.61 6255 N011282 AV for Circulation
881 神祕大洲の探祕 [錄影資料]=. Antarctica-learning materials 779.9 6503 N011022 AV for Circulation
882 藝述梵谷 [錄影資料]=. Vincent : the full story 940.99472 4348 N011156 AV for Circulation
883 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [1], 米=. Treasures of Taiwan: rise 677.4 2313 N011263 AV for Circulation
884 好馬一族 [錄影資料]= The noble horse 389.875 8663-1 N011382 AV for Circulation
885 南極深度之旅 [錄影資料]=. Miracle continent Antarctica 779 6503 N011051 AV for Circulation
886 化石與地球 [錄影資料] / 358 3683 N011200 AV for Circulation
887 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [2], 茶=. Treasures of Taiwan: tea 677.4 2313 N011264 AV for Circulation
888 未來狂想曲 [錄影資料]=. The future is wild 362 8867 N011137 AV for Circulation
889 鋼鐵城市 [錄影資料] : 航空母艦 = City of the steel : carrier 597.67 8840 N011280 AV for Circulation
890 認識磁力 [錄影資料]=. Understanding: magnetism 338.2 0014 N011276 AV for Circulation
891 極地世界的呼喚 [錄影資料]=. Antarctica learning materials 778 6503 N011016 AV for Circulation
892 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [5], 年=. Treasures of twiwan: Lunar new year 677.4 2313 N011267 AV for Circulation
893 The lord of the rings : the fellowship of the ring [videorecording] = 魔戒 : 幕後傳奇 791.4372 L884 N011368 AV for Circulation
894 深海科學探秘 [錄影資料]. 險峻深海=. Science of the deep : aquarious : hostile deep 367.89 3327-1 N011269 AV for Circulation
895 飛行恐懼 [錄影資料]. 1, 墜機事件=. Extreme machines: fear of flying. crash landing 447.88 1219 N011398 AV for Circulation
896 認識宇宙 [錄影資料]=. Understanding III: the universe 323.9 0033 N011277 AV for Circulation
897 空軍試飛員 [錄影資料]. 1, 轟炸機=. Test pilots :flying the wing 598.6 3301 N011400 AV for Circulation
898 藍色警戒 [錄影資料]=. Blue alert 445.9 4255 N011228 AV for Circulation
899 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [3], 歌仔戲=. Treasures of twiwan: ke-tse opera 677.4 2313 N011265 AV for Circulation
900 鋼鐵鯊魚 [錄影資料]=. Submarines : sharks of steel - hidden threat 597.67 8832 N011278 AV for Circulation
901 波灣戰機系列龍捲風號/A6 [錄影資料]=. Wings over the gulf: in harm's way 598.61 3364-1 N011404 AV for Circulation
902 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [4], 媽祖=. Treasures of twiwan: matsu sea goodess 677.4 2313 N011266 AV for Circulation
903 精銳部隊 [錄影資料]=. Submarines : sharks of steel - in the belly of the beast 597.67 9807 N011361 AV for Circulation
904 貓咪的秘密日記 [錄影資料] = The secret life of cats 389.818 8663-8 N011381 AV for Circulation
905 空軍試飛員 [錄影資料]. 2, 武裝偵察機=. Test pilots: full tilt 598.6 3301 N011401 AV for Circulation
906 長途飛行健康談 [錄影資料]=. Health in the air 412.85 7312 N011421 AV for Circulation
907 認識太空旅行 [錄影資料]=. Understanding IV: space travel 326 0043 N011402 AV for Circulation
908 飛行恐懼 [錄影資料]. 2, 緊急迫降=. Extreme machines: fear of flying. mayday 447.88 1219 N011399 AV for Circulation
909 18th and 19th century educational philosophers [videorecording] 370.1 Ei44 N013048 AV for Circulation
910 Life is impossible [videorecording] = 探討地球上生命的起源 576.8 L626 N011690 AV for Circulation
911 Driven by design [videorecording] = 人類設計與自然造物的對比 754.4 D833 N011011 AV for Circulation
912 Light fantastic [videorecording] = 光的世界 530.0904 L626 N011686 AV for Circulation
913 One night in Eden [videorecording] : Sarah Brightman, live in concert = 莎拉布萊曼 : 重回失樂園南非音樂會 780.42163 B768 N011745 AV for Circulation
914 20 years BBC Singer of the World in Cardiff [videorecording] = 卡爾地夫歌唱大賽20年精華錄 782.5 Y39 N011763 AV for Circulation
915 To engineer is human [videorecording] = 工程學中的人性因素 620.0042 T55 N011005 AV for Circulation
916 Einstein [videorecording] = 愛因斯坦傳記 530.092 Ei68 N011680 AV for Circulation
917 Waldbuhne 2002 [videorecording] : World encores = 2002年柏林愛樂溫布尼音樂會-世界安可曲 784.2184 J267 N011695 AV for Circulation
918 Alfred Brendel in portrait [videorecording] = 鋼琴大師布倫德爾之肖像 780.92 Al29 N011770 AV for Circulation
919 European Concert 2004 [videorecording] = 2004年柏林愛樂歐洲音樂會 784.2184 R189 F011691 AV for Circulation
920 綜合科技 [錄影資料] = Integrated science 308.1 4663 N011828 AV for Circulation
921 Little boxes [videorecording] = 工業設計史 745.2 L721 N011003 AV for Circulation
922 Nanotopia [videorecording] = 奈米技術 620.5 N157b N011657 AV for Circulation
923 Waldbuhne 2003 [videorecording] : A Gershwin night = 2003年柏林愛樂溫布尼音樂會-蓋希文之夜 784.2184 Oz1 N011694 AV for Circulation
924 Swinging Bach [videorecording] = 搖擺巴哈 - 24小時巴哈音樂盛會系列 780.92 B122s N011713 AV for Circulation
925 Fly thought, on golden wings [videorecording] : Verdi's life told by Thomas Hasmpson = 歌劇巨擘 威爾第的一生 782.1092 F678 N011729 AV for Circulation
926 John Dewey : a history of philosophy [videorecording] 370.1 H734 N013049 AV for Circulation
927 大北方 [錄影資料]=. Great North 778 4010 N011632 AV for Circulation
928 Mir mortals [videorecording] : Lost in space = 太空迷航 629.442 M67 N011667 AV for Circulation
929 Time of darkness [videorecording] = 消耗臭氧層的元凶 363.7384 T482 N011664 AV for Circulation
930 Mozart on tour [vediorecording] . 2 : great piano concertos Nos. 12, 17, 19, 20 = 莫札特鋼琴名家之旅 II - 阿胥肯納吉.魯普.蘭基.卡蘭斯基 784.2 M877 N011718 AV for Circulation
931 The Future just happened [videorecording] = 網路大未來 306.46 F989 N011662 AV for Circulation
932 An experiment to save the world [videorecording] = 最新聲波核融合理論 621.484 Ex71 N011681 AV for Circulation
933 European Concert 2003 [videorecording] = 2003年柏林愛樂歐洲音樂會 784.2184 B664 N011692 AV for Circulation
934 全球尖端武器大展 [錄影資料]=. Dessert Storm ground Assault 595.5 8190 N011591 AV for Circulation
935 西洋藝術史 [錄影資料]=. Landmarks of western art 909.4 1342 N011595 AV for Circulation
936 身體的景色 [錄影資料] = Bodyscapes 308.1 4663-1 N011830 AV for Circulation
937 神奇的製作 [錄影資料] = Magic of making 308.1 4663-1 N011833 AV for Circulation
938 Barrels of crude and wallaroos [videorecording] = 兼顧石油開採與生態保育的典範 622.3382 B274 N011663 AV for Circulation
939 My favourite things [videorecording] = 芭蕾巨星最愛經典 792.8 M99 N011712 AV for Circulation
940 消逝的地球 [錄影資料]=. Lost treasures of the Ancient world 719.85 3324 N011586 AV for Circulation
941 Wild weather [videorecording] = 全球氣象大觀 551.5 W643 N011673 AV for Circulation
942 綜合科技 [錄影資料] = Integrated science 308.1 4663 N011820 AV for Circulation
943 震驚世界的日子 [錄影資料] : Days that shook the world 308.1 4663-1 N011837 AV for Circulation
944 Design classics . II [videorecording] = 設計經典 II 754.2 D46 N011656 AV for Circulation
945 Claudio Abbado [videorecording] : hearing the silence = 指揮大師 阿巴多 - 傾聽寂靜 784.2092 Ab19 N011725 AV for Circulation
946 The cunning little vixen [videorecording] = 楊納傑克 : 歌劇[狡猾的小狐狸] 782.1 C917 N011776 AV for Circulation
947 Dawn of the clone age [videorecording] = 複製生物時代的來臨 174.2 D322 N011688 AV for Circulation
948 The Rainmaker [videorecording] = 造雨人 551.57 R135 N011669 AV for Circulation
949 No ordinary genius [videorecording] = 物理天才費爾曼 530.092 F438 N011677 AV for Circulation
950 Einsteins equation of life and death [videorecording] = 愛因斯坦特殊相對論 530.11 Ei68 N011682 AV for Circulation
951 Did Darwin get it wrong? [videorecording] = 達爾文的演化論錯了嗎? 575 D561 N011689 AV for Circulation
952 European Concert 2002 [videorecording] = 2002年柏林愛樂歐洲音樂會-阿巴多指揮 784.2184 Ab19 N011693 AV for Circulation
953 Concert for peace III [videorecording] = 和平音樂會III 辛諾波裡與克萊曼的琴深回憶 784.2184 C744 N011699 AV for Circulation
954 The Nutcracker [videorecording] = 柴可夫斯基 : 芭蕾舞劇[胡桃鉗] 792.8 N95 N011707 AV for Circulation
955 Berlin opera night [videorecording] = 柏林歌劇巨星之夜 782.08 B455 N011730 AV for Circulation
956 The Trout [videorecording] ; The greatest love and greatest sorrow = 舒伯特 : <鱒魚>五重奏 782.1092 T758 N011766 AV for Circulation
957 Chopin piano music [videorecording] = 蕭邦鋼琴名品集 786.2 C455 N011775 AV for Circulation
958 遠古的生命 [錄影資料] = Ancient lives 308.1 4663-1 N011829 AV for Circulation
959 全球警訊 [錄影資料] = Global warning 308.1 4663-1 N011832 AV for Circulation
960 Design classics . I [videorecording] = 設計經典 I 754.2 D46 N011653 AV for Circulation
961 Lightning strikes back [videorecording] = 大自然的反撲-閃電 551.5632 L626 N011674 AV for Circulation
962 Hopeful monster [videorecording] = 遺傳基因研究 576.05 H773 N011687 AV for Circulation
963 New star in orbit [videorecording] = 國際太空航 521 N42 N011668 AV for Circulation
964 Mozart on tour [vediorecording] . 1 : great piano concertos Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 = 莫札特鋼琴名家之旅 I - 內田光子、霍特曼、弗雷格、察哈里亞斯 784.2 M877 N011717 AV for Circulation
965 失落的世界 [錄影資料]=. Lost World : life in the balance 308.1 2424 N011633 AV for Circulation
966 靈域對話 [錄影資料]=. Spirit talk 677.6 6341 N011592 AV for Circulation
967 After the flood [videorecording] = 人類與河流的抗爭 627.10977 Af89 N011665 AV for Circulation
968 Otello [videorecording] = 威爾第 : 歌劇[奧泰羅] 782.1 Ot2 N011724 AV for Circulation
969 Broadway [videorecording] : the American musical = 約紐.星光.百老匯 792.0973 B78 N011743 AV for Circulation
970 DVD sampler Opera 06 [videorecording] = 2006年TDK影音鑑.歌劇篇 782.104 D959 N011754 AV for Circulation
971 Interactive teaching [videorecording] : promoting better learning using peer instruction and Just-in-Time Teaching 371.102 In8 N014806 AV for Circulation
972 La Cenerentola : Cinderella [videorecording] = 灰姑娘 782.1 R736 N011734 AV for Circulation
973 Cecilia and Bryn at Glyndebourne [videorecording] = 芭托莉與特菲爾演唱會 782.1 C324 N011783 AV for Circulation
974 Concert for peace II [videorecording] = 和平音樂會II 帕爾曼的絕世琴聲 784.2184 C744 F011698 AV for Circulation
975 Curriculum mapping [videorecording] : charting the course for content 375.001 C936c N013501 AV for Circulation
976 極端環境 [錄影資料]. (4) 308 4014 N013059 AV for Circulation
977 沉沒的寶藏. [錄影資料] = Shipwreck in the china sea 722.6 0180 N014832 AV for Circulation
978 Figaro [videorecording]= 費加洛的婚禮 782.1 R736 N009607 AV for Circulation
979 Die Zauberflöte [videorecording] = 魔笛 : The magic flute 782.1 R736 N009611 AV for Circulation
980 La traviata [videorecording]= 茶花女 782.1 R736 N009617 AV for Circulation
981 Einstein's relativity and the quantum revolution [videorecording] : modern physics for non-scientists 530.11 W149|e2000 N010718 AV for Circulation
982 Madama butterfly [videorecording]= 蝴蝶夫人 782.1 R736 N009613 AV for Circulation
983 Aida [videorecording] = 阿依達 782.1R736 N009615 AV for Circulation
984 Introduction to energy medicine [videorecording] 615.851 In8 N010740 AV for Circulation
985 Connecting [videorecording] : understanding by design, what works in schools, curriculum mapping, curriculum for the 21st century 371.2 C762 N013089 AV for Circulation
986 La gloire de la chair [videorecording] = 魯本斯-青春光華的榮耀 : portraits d'Hélène Fourment : Pierre-Paul Rubens (Siegen, 1577-Anvers, 1640) 759.4 L11 N013104 AV for Circulation
987 Return of the plagues [videorecording] = 災難再現 500 R316 N013077 AV for Circulation
988 Rx for survival [videorecording] = 找出生存之道-全球衛生挑戰 : a global health challenge 362.1 R949 N013083 AV for Circulation
989 Media literacy in the 21st century classroom [videorecording] 302.2307 M468 N013086 AV for Circulation
990 Problem-based learning for the 21st century classroom [videorecording] 373.139 P94 N013088 AV for Circulation
991 Museums & Art Galleries Series [videorecording] = 西洋博物館導覽 727.6 M972 N013102 AV for Circulation
992 The renaissance : when the world was reborn [videorecording] = 文藝復興-世界重生 940.21 R29 N013099 AV for Circulation
993 The beginning teacher [videorecording] 302.346 B394 N013090 AV for Circulation
994 我們的地球 [錄影資料]=. Earth 324 3141 N013105 AV for Circulation
995 地圖繪製師傳奇 [錄影資料]=. The map makers 609.2 4622 N013109 AV for Circulation
996 奇美音樂古典音樂家 [錄影資料]=. Music from Chi-Mei 910.13 2126 N013114 AV for Circulation
997 世博紀事 [錄影資料]=. Expo chronicle 069 0844 N013118 AV for Circulation
998 Jean Auguste Dominiqe Ingres [videorecording] = 安格爾 - 窺視的目光 : Le regard captif 759.05 L46 N013121 AV for Circulation
999 Young minds [videorecording] : numbers and counting 510 Y86 N015119 AV for Circulation
1000 The calculus 1 & 2 tutor [videorecording] 510 C126 N015102 AV for Circulation
1001 The math video tutor [videorecording] 510 M42a N015078 AV for Circulation
1002 The basic math word problem tutor [videorecording] 510 B292 N015076 AV for Circulation
1003 Seismic data processing [videodisc] 622.159 Se45 N014989 AV for Circulation
1004 The 1st-7th grade math tutor [videorecording] 510 M42 N015074 AV for Circulation
1005 科學探索工廠 [錄影資料]=. Science workshop 308 2754 N015067 AV for Circulation
1006 愛因斯坦的理論與應用 [錄影資料]. 1, 理論篇.=. EinSteinchen 331.2 2644-2 N012501 AV for Circulation
1007 The trigonometry and pre-calculus tutor [videorecording] 510 T734 N015092 AV for Circulation
1008 The geometry tutor [videorecording] 510 G292 N015090 AV for Circulation
1009 The advanced calculus 2 tutor [videorecording] : 510 Ad95g N015106 AV for Circulation
1010 偵探風暴災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; wind 408 7123 N013145 AV for Circulation
1011 The Ultimate physics tutor [videorecording] : 11 hour video course! 510 P569 N015093 AV for Circulation
1012 偵探水患災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; water 408 7123 N013146 AV for Circulation
1013 The algebra 2 tutor [videorecording] 510 Al33 N015081 AV for Circulation
1014 愛因斯坦的理論與應用 [錄影資料]. 3, 應用篇(二).=. EinSteinchen 331.2 2644-2 N012503 AV for Circulation
1015 基因研究與醫療科技 [錄影資料] : High Tech 368 0233 N012508 AV for Circulation
1016 The advanced algebra tutor [videorecording] 510 Ad95 N015085 AV for Circulation
1017 新世紀能源觀 [錄影資料] : 綠能趨勢 400.15 0233 N012521 AV for Circulation
1018 The matrix algebra tutor [videorecording] 510 M428 N015088 AV for Circulation
1019 Ultimate physics 2 tutor [videorecording] 510 Ul8 N015101 AV for Circulation
1020 愛因斯坦的理論與應用 [錄影資料]. 2, 應用篇(一).=. EinSteinchen 331.2 2644-2 N012502 AV for Circulation
1021 The probability and statistics tutor [videorecording] 510 P94 N015117 AV for Circulation
1022 The algebra word word problem tutor [videorecording] 510 Al33a N015083 AV for Circulation
1023 全球溫室效應的研究 [錄影資料] [錄影資料]=. Greenhouse earth : an uncontrolled experiment 328.48 4656 N013141 AV for Circulation
1024 The calculus 3 tutor [videorecording] 510 C126 N015110 AV for Circulation
1025 The calculus 3 tutor [videorecording] 510 C126 N015111 AV for Circulation
1026 Ultimate physics 2 tutor [videorecording] 510 Ul8 N015097 AV for Circulation
1027 The unit conversion tutor : supplement for all branches of math and science [videorecording] 510 Un3 N015118 AV for Circulation
1028 偵探地殼活動災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; earth 408 7123 N013143 AV for Circulation
1029 鯨豚的研究與保育 [錄影資料] [錄影資料] / 389.7 6124 N013147 AV for Circulation
1030 偵探火災災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; fire 408 7123 N013144 AV for Circulation
1031 尖端科學能否控制天候 [錄影資料] [錄影資料]=. Can we control the weather? 328 5042 N013142 AV for Circulation
1032 全球水資源 [錄影資料] : 乾渴的地球 443 0233 N012569 AV for Circulation
1033 臺北縣礦業鐵路及天燈文化影片 [錄影資料] / 733.93 1249 N012581 AV for Circulation
1034 野蠻生存遊戲精選系列 [錄影資料]=. Predator's prey 380.7 4744 N011956 AV for Circulation
1035 愛因斯坦特殊相對論 [錄影資料] : Einsteins equation of life and death 331.2 4663 N012587 AV for Circulation
1036 Coral reefs and climate change [videorecording] 333.9164 C81 DVD N013551 AV for Circulation
1037 Metallurgy for the non-metallurgist [videorecording]. DVD 7, Case hardening of steel 672 M564 DVD N013641 AV for Circulation
1038 Casting [videorecording] 671.2 C278 DVD N013642 AV for Circulation
1039 Metals in the plant 10010506 [videorecording]. Lesson six, Heat treatment 669.142 M564 DVD N013639 AV for Circulation
1040 Heat treating [videorecording] 671.36 H351 DVD N013640 AV for Circulation
1041 Sarah Brightman [videorecording] : La luna live in concert = 莎拉布萊曼 : 月光女神現場演唱會 780.4279494 B768 N011744 AV for Circulation
1042 Effective presentations [videorecording] 808.51 C734 DVD N013385 AV for Circulation
1043 Le climat selon sophie. sur nos cotts [videorecroding] = 誰來救救地球. 海岸篇 363.73874 L46 DVD N014059 AV for Circulation
1044 Edge of the earth 363.73874 Ed35 DVD N014979 AV for Circulation
1045 宇宙的誕生 [錄影資料]= Wonders of the Universe : big bang, big mystery 323.9 8376 N008275 AV for Circulation
1046 Bulk carriers [videorecording] : handle with care 665.5385 T737 N010260 AV for Circulation
1047 科學探索百科:感官篇 [錄影資料]=. the functions of juman body : sense 398.95 1163 N010357 AV for Circulation
1048 Margins of safety [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010185 AV for Circulation
1049 Working principles [videorecording] = 史上重要工程學原理集錦 620 W892 N011004 AV for Circulation
1050 Hot coffee [videorecording] 346.7303 H797 DVD N013356 AV for Circulation
1051 Explosives [videorecording] : search and response procedures. 386.05 M872 N010003 AV for Circulation
1052 Security now! [videorecording] : the on-scene survey. 386.05 M872 N010007 AV for Circulation
1053 迅雷直升機 [錄影資料]=. future winge 5 : fomorrow's thunder 447.9 5044 N010407 AV for Circulation
1054 愛爾蘭駿馬 [錄影資料] : 愛爾蘭人與馬共譜浪漫戀曲 = Ballad of the Irish horse 389.875 8663-2 N012292 AV for Circulation
1055 Mother earth speaks [videorecording] = 大地之母的吶喊 551.3 M856 DVD N013694 AV for Circulation
1056 In nuclear we trust [videorecording] = 核戰極機密 551.3 Im9 DVD N013697 AV for Circulation
1057 Journal of navigation [electronic resource] : CD-ROM archive from 1948. 629.045 R812 PA000252 AV for Circulation
1058 Entre les bras [videorecroding] = 米其林廚神 : 美味的傳承 791.4372 En85 DVD N013770 AV for Circulation
1059 Forks over knives [videorecording] = 刀叉下的秘密 551.3 F764 DVD N013715 AV for Circulation
1060 Genetic roulette [videorecording] = 基改食品的秘密 : the gamble of our lives 664 G286 DVD N013767 AV for Circulation
1061 The Hundred-Foot journey [videorecording] = 美味不設限 791.4372 H892 DVD N013759 AV for Circulation
1062 Julie & Julia [videorecording] = 美味關係 791.4372 J944 N012623 AV for Circulation
1063 南亞海嘯 [錄影資料] : 災後重生 = Tsunami : one year later 548.317 0040 N012644 AV for Circulation
1064 Personal safety & social responsibility [videorecording] 386.05 M872 N009900 AV for Circulation
1065 Jadoo [videorecording] = 印度總舖師 791.4372 J174 DVD N013760 AV for Circulation
1066 Lifeboat operation and survival practices [videorecording]. 386.05 M872 N010146 AV for Circulation
1067 洪水 [錄影資料]= Raging planet-Flood 351.82 8376 N008274 AV for Circulation
1068 沈默的英雄 [錄影資料] : 馬歇爾將軍 ; 鐵面悍將 ; 麥克阿瑟將軍 785.28 8036 N009509 AV for Circulation
1069 鱷魚王國 [錄影資料 ] : 勇闖禁地,見識強悍的鱷魚王國!= REALM OF THE ALLIGATOR 388.793 8663 N012302 AV for Circulation
1070 NBA at 50 [videorecording]= NBA龍爭虎霸50年 796.32364 N213 N009541 AV for Circulation
1071 Acland's DVD atlas of human anatomy [videorecording] 611 Ac61 N011967 AV for Circulation
1072 Nature's fury 1 [videorecording] 551.21 N219 N009645 AV for Circulation
1073 Volcanoes 1 [videorecording] 551.21 V881 N009644 AV for Circulation
1074 The wave [videorecording] = 驚天巨浪 791.4372 W36 DVD N014057 AV for Circulation
1075 奇異旅程 [錄影資料]=. Amazing journeys 367.58 4602 N011631 AV for Circulation
1076 蝴蝶密碼 [錄影資料]=. The butterfly gode 677.6 6341-2 N011594 AV for Circulation
1077 波灣戰機系列F15/F117 [錄影資料]=. Wings over the gulf: first strike 598.61 3364 N011403 AV for Circulation
1078 致命害蟲 [錄影資料]=. Deadly bugs 387.7 5034 N010049 AV for Circulation
1079 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonies No. 3 & 9 [videorecording]= 貝多芬第三&第九號交響曲-阿巴多指揮 784.2 B393l N008755 AV for Circulation
1080 Ludwig van Beethoven Symphonies Nos. 6,1 & 8 [videorecording]= 貝多芬第六,第一&第八號交響曲-阿巴多指揮 784.2 B393l N008665 AV for Circulation
1081 波灣戰機系列F16/A10 [錄影資料]=. Wings over the gulf: final assault 598.61 3364-2 N011405 AV for Circulation
1082 Physical geography [videorecording] 910.02 P569 N009639 AV for Circulation
1083 武裝潛伏 [錄影資料]=. Submarines : sharks of steel - Submariners 597.67 1232 N011279 AV for Circulation
1084 賽鴿風雲 [錄影資料]=. The pigeon game 677.6 6341-1 N011593 AV for Circulation
1085 花豹家族 [錄影資料]=. The leopard son 389.818 5054 N010060 AV for Circulation
1086 Sicko [videorecording] = 健保真要命 362.10973 Si12 DVD N014083 AV for Circulation
1087 Like the others [videorecording] = 我們都一樣 618.9289 L627 DVD N014081 AV for Circulation
1088 First comes love [videorecording]= 為愛而生 306.8 F519 N014082 AV for Circulation
1089 Land grabbing [videorecording] = 土地正義 307.12 L229 DVD N014084 AV for Circulation
1090 Waterlife [videorecording] = 傍水而生 598.41 W299 DVD N014000 AV for Circulation
1091 Above all else [videorecording] : the Everest dream = 森林保衛戰 796.522 Ab76 DVD N014039 AV for Circulation
1092 虎頭鯊 [錄影資料]=. Secrets of the deep II : sand tigers 388.591 4027-1 N010087 AV for Circulation
1093 幻想曲 [錄影資料] = Fantasia 987.85 2745 N006561 AV for Circulation
1094 八爪章魚 [錄影資料]=. Octopus 386.795 1130 N010411 AV for Circulation
1095 Rocks and minerals [videorecording] 551.1 F487 N010474 AV for Circulation
1096 大白鯊 [錄影資料]=. Great white 388.591 4027 N010086 AV for Circulation
1097 Steak (R)evolution [videorecording] = 極品牛排解碼之旅 363.192 St31 DVD N014056 AV for Circulation
1098 10 Billion : What's on your plate? [videorecording] = 飲食革命 : 明日的餐桌 363.192 T25 DVD N014055 AV for Circulation
1099 The organic life [videorecording] = 有機人生 576.83 Or3 DVD N014060 AV for Circulation
1100 空中主宰F-22 [錄影資料]=. future wings 1 : air kominance 447.9 4464 N010403 AV for Circulation
1101 鯊魚末日 [錄影資料]=. Secrets of The Deep II-Sharks on The Brink of Extincion 388.591 4027-2 N010089 AV for Circulation
1102 空中巨鯊 [錄影資料]=. Air Jaws:Sharks of South Africa 388.591 0010 N010088 AV for Circulation
1103 The hidden side Of Google [videorecording] = Google 不告訴你的事 004.678 H53 DVD N014065 AV for Circulation
1104 Forget me not [videorecording] = 明天你是否依然記得我 616.831 F763 DVD N014064 AV for Circulation
1105 Too sane for this world [videorecording] = 星星的世界 616.8588 T617 DVD N014063 AV for Circulation
1106 Le climat selon sophie. sur nos terres [videorecroding] = 誰來救救地球. 陸地篇 363.73874 L46 DVD N014066 AV for Circulation
1107 The code: debugging the gender gap [videorecording] = 翻轉職場性別差距 604.82 C648 DVD N014145 AV for Circulation
1108 In defense of food [videorecording] = 飲食覺醒 613 Im9 DVD N014146 AV for Circulation
1109 Alphée of the Stars [videorecording] = 艾爾菲的星星 306.87 Al74 DVD N014150 AV for Circulation
1110 Before the last curtain falls [videorecording] = 最後一次跳舞 780.922 B393 DVD N014148 AV for Circulation
1111 無人間諜機 [錄影資料]=. future wings 2 : eyes in the sky 447.9 4464-3 N010404 AV for Circulation
1112 Shipboard familiarization [videorecording] : know your duties, know your ship. 386.05 M872 N010159 AV for Circulation
1113 Coastal processes & landforms 551.457 C631 DVD N014162 AV for Circulation
1114 The seventh continent [videorecording] = 第七大陸:萬年垃圾島 363.7394 Se82 DVD N014182 AV for Circulation
1115 Particlefever [videorecording] = 狂熱分子 539.73 P258 DVD N014170 AV for Circulation
1116 Plastic paradise:the great Pacific garbage patch [videorecording] = 塑膠天堂:太平洋垃圾帶 363 P695 DVD N014177 AV for Circulation
1117 Zero days [videorecording] = 零日網路戰 307.76 Z54 DVD N014169 AV for Circulation
1118 Chicken planet [videorecording] = 維雞百科 636.5 C432 DVD N014180 AV for Circulation
1119 H.O.P.E. Food Matters, You Matter [videorecording] = 綠色飲食革命 613.2 H771 DVD N014178 AV for Circulation
1120 Yoghurt, as pure as snow? [videorecording] = 優格的秘密 637.145 Y75 DVD N014183 AV for Circulation
1121 Leaving Africa [videorecording] = 非洲,再見 613.9071 L489 DVD N014149 AV for Circulation
1122 My millennial life [videorecording] = 我的千禧人生 646.7 M99 DVD N014144 AV for Circulation
1123 窈窕奶爸. [錄影資料] = 海馬 Dating daddies : hippocampus 388.596 5281 N014831 AV for Circulation
1124 Oceans and seas [videorecording] 551.1 F487 N010475 AV for Circulation
1125 Plate tectonics [Videorecording] 551.1 F487 N010473 AV for Circulation
1126 Tsunami [videorecording] : Anatomy of a disaster = 海嘯 551.22 T789 N011675 AV for Circulation
1127 Fish oh Filet [videorecording] = 魚肉的祕密 597 F526 N013987 AV for Circulation
1128 No reservations [videorecording]= 料理絕配 791.4372 N659 N010987 AV for Circulation
1129 Milk? [videorecording] = 牛奶的秘密 637.1 M599 DVD N013769 AV for Circulation
1130 The refugees of the blue planet [videorecording] = 藍色星球上的難民 363.7 R259 DVD N013242 AV for Circulation
1131 Taste the waste [videorecording] = 你在浪費食物嗎? 338.194 T186 DVD N013766 AV for Circulation
1132 The human face of big data [videorecording] = 解讀大數據 004 H88 DVD N014160 AV for Circulation
1133 Life's rocky start [videorecording] = 從岩石探究生命之源 576.801 L626 DVD N014151 AV for Circulation
1134 Mapping the Future [videorecording] : The power of algorithms = 大數據演算法 331.702 M322 DVD N014159 AV for Circulation
1135 深海底生物 [錄影資料] : 驚心動魄四仟米 ; 吸血鬼烏戝現形記 = Vampire From the Abyss 366.9 2422 N009159 AV for Circulation
1136 深海奥祕 [錄影資料] = Deep sea, deep secrets 367.89 5044 N010040 AV for Circulation
1137 海嘯 [錄影資料]= Raging planet : tidal wave 351.9791 8376 N008277 AV for Circulation
1138 反恐任務 [錄影資料] 989.252 1884 N014559 AV for Circulation
1139 Cyberwar threat [videorecording] = 全球網路戰威脅 364.168 C992 DVD N014158 AV for Circulation
1140 ER : the complete first season [viedorecording] = 急診室的春天. 第一季 791.4375 L498 N014814 AV for Circulation
1141 美索不達米亞文明 [錄影資料] : 尋找戰爭下的文明曙光 = The Edge of the orient 735.5 8633 N012287 AV for Circulation
1142 貓謎 [錄影資料] : 探究貓與人之間複雜的親密關係 = Cats : Caressing the Tiger 389.818 8663-9 N012295 AV for Circulation
1143 森蚺奇境 [錄影資料] : 赤足進入巨蛇的王國 = Land of the anaconad 388.798 8663 N012293 AV for Circulation
1144 Toast [videorecording] = 吐司 : 敬 ! 美為人生 791.4372 T55 DVD N013290 AV for Circulation
1145 East Side Sushi [videorecording] = 她的幸福壽司夢 791.4372 Ea77 DVD N014206 AV for Circulation
1146 太陽系全集 [錄影資料] = The Planets 323.2 4663 N012284 AV for Circulation
1147 中國大漠之寶 [錄影資料] : 滾滾黃沙覆蓋著中國千年的文化寶藏 = China's frozen desert 797.83 8663 N012289 AV for Circulation
1148 印加古城之謎 [錄影資料 = Lost cities of the INCA] : 尋找印加帝國最後的遁世之地. 758.2 8663 N012288 AV for Circulation
1149 西藏禁地 [錄影資料] : 闖入中國高原上的神秘禁地. 676.6 8663 N012290 AV for Circulation
1150 澳洲動物探秘 [錄影資料] : 珍禽異獸遍佈澳洲,動物王國風貌迷人 = Australia's animal mysteries 308.1 8663 N012291 AV for Circulation
1151 十個可能 [錄影資料] : 如何預見未來 = Ten ways to see into the future 308.1 4460 N012308 AV for Circulation
1152 發現埃及古墓 [錄影資料]=. Egypt's new tomb revealed 798.61 8663 N012309 AV for Circulation
1153 Chemical tank cleaning & inspection [videorecording] 665.5385 M695 2000 DVD N014290 AV for Circulation
1154 The planets [videorecording] = 霍爾斯特 : [行星]組曲 784.21858 H741 N011762 AV for Circulation
1155 Same But Different [videorecording] = 我們有點不一樣 618.9233 Sa44 DVD N014368 AV for Circulation
1156 Wastecooking [videorecording] = 美味的垃圾 641.5 W288 DVD N013988 AV for Circulation
1157 Time suspended [videorecording]= 失蹤的時光 323 T482 DVD N014403 AV for Circulation
1158 Atanasoff : father of the computer [videorecording] = 電腦之父:阿塔纳索夫 621.39 At16 DVD N014416 AV for Circulation
1159 An inconvenient sequel : truth to power [videorecording] = 不願面對的真相 2 363.738 In2 DVD N014446 AV for Circulation
1160 Dead in a Week : Or Your Money Back [錄影資料] : 一週斃命 : 不死退費 791.4372 D34e DVD N015274 AV for Circulation
1161 The core [videorecording] = 地心毀滅 791.4372 C812 DVD N015279 AV for Circulation
1162 A civil action [vediorecording] = 法網邊緣 791.4372 C499 DVD N015280 AV for Circulation
1163 Patton [videorecording] = 巴頓將軍 791.4372 P278 N015341 AV for Circulation
1164 Cell phones : weapons of mass addiction [videorecording] = 手機成癮 616.85 C33 N015383 AV for Circulation
1165 山那邊的青稞田 [錄影資料] = Barley fields on the other side of the mountain 987.83 1010 N015422 AV for Circulation
1166 More human than human AI [videorecording] = AI 新紀元 006.301 M813 N015431 AV for Circulation
1167 廣告創意與藝術 [錄影資料] = Art & copy 964 0280 N015397 AV for Circulation
1168 橋與世界接軌 [錄影資料] = Bridging the world. 925 4746 N015388 AV for Circulation
1169 快時尚當道 [錄影資料] = A fashion uprising 488.98 2134 N015398 AV for Circulation
1170 海洋壟斷 [錄影資料] : 海洋領土爭奪戰 = Ocean's monopoly : how nations use science to conquer the sea 592.42 1700 N015448 AV for Circulation
1171 汽車安全大思維 [錄影資料] : 防護系統&智能駕駛 = The big idea of how safe is your car? 447.17 3437 N015447 AV for Circulation
1172 重拾創造力 [錄影資料] = : 我們非凡的可能性 = Our Forgotten Creativity! : the surprises of our possibilities 176.4 4412:2 N015396 AV for Circulation
1173 Affected: The Story of US [videorecording] = 疫情來襲:我們的故事 616.91 Af26 N015594 AV for Circulation
1174 Katwalk [videorecording] = 阿姆斯特丹貓未眠 813.54 K159 N015633 AV for Circulation
1175 Fast Fashion [videorecording] = 快時尚:低成本時尚的高昂代價 338 L962 N015631 AV for Circulation
1176 Collective [videorecording] = 一場大火之後 362.1042 C685 N015634 AV for Circulation
1177 聖雅各的天空 [錄影資料] : Camino skies 992.71 5034 N015657 AV for Circulation
1178 我的樂高手臂 [錄影資料] = Mr. Hand Solo 448.992 6060 N015656 AV for Circulation
1179 無人機的時代 [錄影資料] = The age of the drone 448.962 4810 N015664 AV for Circulation
1180 宇宙生命體的存在 [錄影資料] = Wonders : are we Alone? 323.9 4742 N015665 AV for Circulation
1181 同志的心路歷程與面對 [錄影資料] = Olly Alexander : growing up gay 544.753 4046 N015666 AV for Circulation
1182 母親的妥瑞氏症候群 [錄影資料] : The Mum who got Tourette's 415.9896 5042 N015667 AV for Circulation
1183 碳排放的難題 [錄影資料] : Carbon conundrum 554.68 4490 N015695 AV for Circulation
1184 重建珊瑚礁 [錄影資料] 354.6 3243 N015707 AV for Circulation
1185 隱形網路戰爭 [錄影資料] = Secret wars 599.7 1354 N015726 AV for Circulation
1186 媽哩媽哩烘 [錄影資料] 987.83 3960 N015729 AV for Circulation
1187 成癮心理與精神疾病 [錄影資料] = In my mind 415.98 5143 N015728 AV for Circulation
1188 福島 : 被遺忘的動物 [錄影資料] 548.38 4608-2 N015741 AV for Circulation
1189 Dolphin kick [videorecording] = 海豚與我:泳不放棄 791.4372 D698 N015758 AV for Circulation
1190 流產的失落與創傷 [錄影資料] = Mum : misunderstandings of miscarriage 417.3 7444 N015696 AV for Circulation
1191 大自然發威時 [錄影資料] : 水 = Against the elements : water 367.28 4221 N015762 AV for Circulation
1192 全球觀點交通議題 [錄影資料] = e² : transport 557.8 2144 N015763 AV for Circulation
1193 金銀島 [videorecording] = Pirate Island 798.9 8082 N015765 AV for Circulation
1194 沙塵暴 [錄影資料] = Dust storm 328.55 2147 N015780 AV for Circulation
1195 水資源議題 [錄影資料] = Water issues 445.9 4084 N015789 AV for Circulation
1196 風能 [錄影資料] = Taming wind / 448.165 7114 N015791 AV for Circulation
1197 騎趣環世界 [錄影資料] = Somewhere else together 992.79 4433 N015782 AV for Circulation
1198 孤獨的年代,脫節的世界 [錄影資料] = The great disconnect 541.415 4026:1 N015801 AV for Circulation
1199 氣候變遷下的資源循環 = Climate for change : closing the loop 445.97 7354 N015821 AV for Circulation
1200 Little Women = 她們 791.4372 L721g N015815 AV for Circulation
1201 Does sex really matter? = 性別真的重要嗎? 305.3 D741 N015828 AV for Circulation
1202 席琳狄翁外傳 : 愛的力量 [錄影資料] = Aline 987.83 2144 N015833 AV for Circulation
1203 首席女指揮 [錄影資料] : 瑪琳艾索普 = The conductor 911.86 2644 N015873 AV for Circulation
1204 漫長的一天 = The longest day 328.8 4000 N015876 AV for Circulation
1205 焰火書寫 : 賤民女記者挑戰種姓歧視 = Writing with fire 546.15 3614 N015817 AV for Circulation
1206 氣候變遷下的永續綠能 = Climate for change 400.15 7354 N015819 AV for Circulation
1207 Into the storm [videorecording]= 直闖暴風圈 791.4372 In8s N015885 AV for Circulation